Package Description
?Are you interested in functions and changes in the current age of digital media? Focussing on literacy theory in media contexts? Are you eager to learn about participatory cultures?
If so then this is just the right spot for you to be at, because this source holds a key course which has been designed for beginners and focuses on the very basics that need to be understood in order to get a clearer picture on New Media Literacies.
This 2007 online course provides lecture notes and assignments focused on the concept of literacy theory, starting with its historical context in ancient Greece and continuing up to modern media literacy. The course primarily consists of lectures in PDF format, so you should have a PDF reader installed on your computer before attempting to use the presented materials. There are also exercises provided, appropriate for both graduate and undergraduate students, though no answers or study guides for these exercises are given.
This course contains the following topics:
- The origins of New Media Literacies ancient Greece
- Functions and changes in the current age of digital media
- Traditional historical accounts of print literacies
- Practices and concepts of: fan fiction writing, online social networking, appropriation and remixing, transmedia navigation, video gaming, multitasking, performance, collective intelligence and distributed cognition.
- Assignments that include weekly reading and writing
Apart from this, reading will be required which will include Plato, Scribner and Cole, Goody and Watt, Graff, Brandt, Heath, Lemke, Jenkins, Hobbs, Gee, Alvermann, Pratt, Leander, Dyson, Kress, Levy and Lankshear and Knobel.
This undergraduate/graduate course will be taught by Dr. Alice Robison. The experience that Robison has will serve your purpose and help in the better understanding of the concept of New Media Literacies as more than a functional skill and instead as a sophisticated set of meaning-making activities.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "New Media Literacies – A course for beginners focussing on the basics" was created by Alice Robison on 29 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 871 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week.