Change or improve your career with the help of a professionalNot many of us can say that they don´t need professional advice regarding our career. Some people run their companies, and earn well, but still there are questions that stay unanswered: can you make more profit, should you increase or decrease the number of employers, is there a future in that specific area of work, etc. On the other hand, some people should entirely change their career before it´s too late.

In this special offer you can get a 10 minute session with an expert, certified career coach! In today’s market the most valuable goods is information, so how much would you pay for 10 minute session with a professional career coach that could change your life? This session is available to you for just $20!

10 minutes doesn´t sound like much time, but it´s more than enough for me to collect all relevant information and give you my professional opinion. You can ask me specific questions if you want; in this way I could give you a specific answer and your career will start moving forward from that moment on!

Coaching is done live, by telephone. I realised that this is the right way to do it because you don´t have to travel across the USA to meet with me. And also the majority of people feel freer to talk about their problems over the phone.

If you live outside of the US, you´ll need to provide me with your Skype username so we could communicate via Skype. This is a good way of communication too, especially if you are interested in repeating sessions, because it will save you a significant amount of money for the phone bill. If you think that session should last longer, you have optional 30 minute session. Price is very affordable, it´s only $50 per session.

To summarise:

With this billboard you will get a 10 minute coach session for only $20!


I will Session summary and give you some extra tips
(adds 14 days to original delivery time)                                                                                                                          +$20 (BUY TWICE)

Thirty minutes coaching session
(adds 12 days to the original delivery time)                                                                                                                 +$ 40 (BUY BILLBOARD 3 TIMES)

Extra fast delivery in 3 days only                                                                                                                                          +$20 (BUY TWICE)

P.S this is uploaded on my friends behalf miriam - who is Master Certified Coach (MCC)
0 0 20 Anderson White

Change or improve your career with the help of a professional Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Change or improve your career with the help of a professional
Price: $20 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
Package Description

Not many of us can say that they don´t need professional advice regarding our career. Some people run their companies, and earn well, but still there are questions that stay unanswered: can you make more profit, should you increase or decrease the number of employers, is there a future in that specific area of work, etc. On the other hand, some people should entirely change their career before it´s too late.

In this special offer you can get a 10 minute session with an expert, certified career coach! In today’s market the most valuable goods is information, so how much would you pay for 10 minute session with a professional career coach that could change your life? This session is available to you for just $20!

10 minutes doesn´t sound like much time, but it´s more than enough for me to collect all relevant information and give you my professional opinion. You can ask me specific questions if you want; in this way I could give you a specific answer and your career will start moving forward from that moment on!

Coaching is done live, by telephone. I realised that this is the right way to do it because you don´t have to travel across the USA to meet with me. And also the majority of people feel freer to talk about their problems over the phone.

If you live outside of the US, you´ll need to provide me with your Skype username so we could communicate via Skype. This is a good way of communication too, especially if you are interested in repeating sessions, because it will save you a significant amount of money for the phone bill. If you think that session should last longer, you have optional 30 minute session. Price is very affordable, it´s only $50 per session.

To summarise:

With this billboard you will get a 10 minute coach session for only $20!


I will Session summary and give you some extra tips
(adds 14 days to original delivery time)                                                                                                                          +$20 (BUY TWICE)

Thirty minutes coaching session
(adds 12 days to the original delivery time)                                                                                                                 +$ 40 (BUY BILLBOARD 3 TIMES)

Extra fast delivery in 3 days only                                                                                                                                          +$20 (BUY TWICE)

P.S this is uploaded on my friends behalf miriam - who is Master Certified Coach (MCC)

Quick Information

This billboard titled "Change or improve your career with the help of a professional" was created by Anderson White on 12 November 2013 and is available for purchase for $20. Current reach of this billboard is 1377 users.

Price:$20 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
Package Contents (0)

Content of this package will be available within 30 days of buying and if seller is failed to provide the content of the package, you will be fully refunded after 1 week of purchase as promised.

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Change or improve your career with the help of a professional Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Change or improve your career with the help of a professional
Price: $20 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
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