I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact
There is nothing that communicated better than Videos, if a picture is worth a thousand words then videos are worth a million words.  What about if it has a 3d text in it? the impact is unbelievable. The fact is that 3d text will be communicated subconsciously to those watching the video and they will tend to remember it for a relatively long time. Subconscious communication is the way to go for online marketers. I will create this text in line with the product or services that you are selling to a target market. This means that your clients or potential customers will not find it hard to associate certain things with the services that you offer.

I’m good at visual effects and whether you want them done to look as if the text was standing on an object, or have the text wobble on a moving object then you can hire me to get it done for you.  I can also create a video and include a 3D text, or you can send me your video and you will have the completed work within the shortest time possible.
What I expect of a delivered video
    Your video must of high quality so that the end product is great.

    The video should to have been shot with the camera moving so fast, this will deter the 3D text showing well.

    A good video that needs a text included must have the much-needed contrast in it.

    You can get your text behind objects as well as in front of objects. The choice is yours.

    Clip must be 10 seconds or less that you send me.
Billboard Price

The billboard prices will vary based on several factors, but here is an overview of what to expect on pricing

I will create a 3D text on an already existing video $10

I will create a video and include the 3D text in it $ 30.

(Remember these are always professionally done videos.)

I will put the 3D at the back of an object $ 40 
0 0 10 Anderson White

I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

There is nothing that communicated better than Videos, if a picture is worth a thousand words then videos are worth a million words.  What about if it has a 3d text in it? the impact is unbelievable. The fact is that 3d text will be communicated subconsciously to those watching the video and they will tend to remember it for a relatively long time. Subconscious communication is the way to go for online marketers. I will create this text in line with the product or services that you are selling to a target market. This means that your clients or potential customers will not find it hard to associate certain things with the services that you offer.

I’m good at visual effects and whether you want them done to look as if the text was standing on an object, or have the text wobble on a moving object then you can hire me to get it done for you.  I can also create a video and include a 3D text, or you can send me your video and you will have the completed work within the shortest time possible.
What I expect of a delivered video
    Your video must of high quality so that the end product is great.

    The video should to have been shot with the camera moving so fast, this will deter the 3D text showing well.

    A good video that needs a text included must have the much-needed contrast in it.

    You can get your text behind objects as well as in front of objects. The choice is yours.

    Clip must be 10 seconds or less that you send me.
Billboard Price

The billboard prices will vary based on several factors, but here is an overview of what to expect on pricing

I will create a 3D text on an already existing video $10

I will create a video and include the 3D text in it $ 30.

(Remember these are always professionally done videos.)

I will put the 3D at the back of an object $ 40 

Quick Information

This billboard titled "I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact" was created by Anderson White on 09 January 2014 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 1336 users.

Price:$10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
I will create and put a 3D text in your video to get the needed impact
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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