How not to end up watching dumb moviesThe worst thing than killing an afternoon at home alone being bored and doing nothing is to go to the cinema to watch a movie and find out that the highly anticipated action thriller was actually a total waste of time and nothing more than a big disappointment. Regular cine goers know exactly what I am talking about.
Let’s be honest, at some point in time we all have had our bad luck with movies, its normal and if it occurs occasionally, it can be borne. However, the worst part if this hobby is that it can occur often and when you don’t want it. The ticket costs the same for great movies as well as the tripe ones, so that’s a further irritating. The annoyance can be out of the roof as the already not so perfect evening can be further ruined by the bad movie.
To get rid of this problem, I have personally invented ways in which a person can detect whether the movie is worth giving a try or not, before watching it. This may sound unusual to some people but it is better to learn the tricks rather than watching a comedy that is so lame that you feel like crying. I had that once, luckily friends helped me and took me away at the right time.
So if you wish to find the remedy to this oft occurring trouble, I have the potion that can cure the disease. This billboard contains all the information you need to avoid cinematic tortures. It may be hard to believe but the formula works almost every time.
So do yourself a favor and spend as much as your lame movie’s ticket on learning from my experiences. The effort will be worthwhile and will surely be better than enduring yet another one of those terrible movies..
0 6 8 Bobby Wayne

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How not to end up watching dumb movies
Price: $8 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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The worst thing than killing an afternoon at home alone being bored and doing nothing is to go to the cinema to watch a movie and find out that the highly anticipated action thriller was actually a total waste of time and nothing more than a big disappointment. Regular cine goers know exactly what I am talking about.
Let’s be honest, at some point in time we all have had our bad luck with movies, its normal and if it occurs occasionally, it can be borne. However, the worst part if this hobby is that it can occur often and when you don’t want it. The ticket costs the same for great movies as well as the tripe ones, so that’s a further irritating. The annoyance can be out of the roof as the already not so perfect evening can be further ruined by the bad movie.
To get rid of this problem, I have personally invented ways in which a person can detect whether the movie is worth giving a try or not, before watching it. This may sound unusual to some people but it is better to learn the tricks rather than watching a comedy that is so lame that you feel like crying. I had that once, luckily friends helped me and took me away at the right time.
So if you wish to find the remedy to this oft occurring trouble, I have the potion that can cure the disease. This billboard contains all the information you need to avoid cinematic tortures. It may be hard to believe but the formula works almost every time.
So do yourself a favor and spend as much as your lame movie’s ticket on learning from my experiences. The effort will be worthwhile and will surely be better than enduring yet another one of those terrible movies.

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This billboard titled "How not to end up watching dumb movies" was created by Bobby Wayne on 20 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $8. Current reach of this billboard is 1297 users.

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How not to end up watching dumb movies Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
How not to end up watching dumb movies
Price: $8 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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