Package Description
What do you need to do to hire the right literary agent?
Unlike individuals with more conventional careers, professional authors are on their own as they write and then seek publication, and it is this that can put them in a vulnerable situation if they are not careful. Protecting your intellectual property, attracting the attention of a publishing house, negotiating a deal with them, and handling promotion and financial issues once your book does get published – these are all tasks that a writer, especially a first-time author, might struggle with.
This is where literary agents come in, and given the cutthroat nature of today’s world, having an agent to represent you is necessary. However, it is equally important to hire the right literary agent – this is the person who will be representing you, and handling the fate of the manuscript you have spent years on, so it goes without saying that you need to be careful. So how do you go about the process of hiring a literary agent?
This package is a one-stop solution to all your questions and concerns in this regard. Upon purchasing this billboard, you will be granted access to a highly detailed guide to hiring the right literary agent. This guide covers everything – the research phase where you will be required to look around at different agents, what to look for when you interview potential candidates, how to determine whether you two are on the same wavelength and can work together, and finally how to handle the drafting of the agreement/contract (including details on the terms and conditions you should include). In addition, the guide also explains how to go about the process of firing a literary agent if you are unhappy with her/his services.
A complete guide in every sense, this package can be purchased by both first time authors, and experienced writers who are looking for proper representation.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Making a mark as a writer – How to hire a literary agent" was created by Brenda Tanning on 07 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $6. Current reach of this billboard is 1125 users.
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