Package Description
The National Burial Index (NBI) is a database of entries recorded in English and Welsh burials registers - parish, nonconformist, Roman Catholic, Quaker and cemetery.
Coverage is incomplete, but over 18.4 million records are included in this edition, covering 1538-2008. The NBI also incorporates those records previously published of which many have since been checked and corrected. Millions of these records will not be found on any website.
Information for each individual includes:
Forename(s) and surname
date of burial
age (where given, generally post-1813)
details of place where the event was recorded; pre-1832 county definitions are used
the recording society, group or individual
No monumental inscriptions or death registrations are included.
I will lookup any name and location you give me and send you the results. Access to the National Burial Index is freely availalbe at some local Libraries or by paid subscription for up to $100 per year on some commercial websites. Use my service to save time and money.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Look up UK National Burial Index from 1538-2008 for $2." was created by Burials on 19 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $2. Current reach of this billboard is 501 users.
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