Package Description
Health Food Restaurant Business plan for sale
You are thinking of starting a health food restaurant and if you are here, either you were referred by someone or you found this page via search engine. As you may be aware most restaurants fail and some of those, which make it the first year, close down the following year. Why do you think this happens, why some new restaurants do very well but most do not make it? Some people contribute the failure to all kinds of reasons such as market condition; lack of experiences, lack of cash flow but one of the biggest reasons for any failed health based restaurant was lack of planning. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It’s just that simple.
I have seen it first hand with my family restaurants business and with the research I conducted myself. Most people simply put together some money and either buy or start a health food restaurant as a mean for achieving financial freedom. The most important thing in making sure your time and money is not wasted, is to create a business plan and use it as a road map to get from start to profitability. Business plan is not a document for the banks to get a loan, it’s your blueprint to foresee and plan for all possible outcomes in all aspects of running a health food business. I have put together a sample business plan for the health food restaurant. This plan for sure will make you look good in front of others but at the same time will challenge your knowledge, commitment and know how of starting a restaurant to serve the health conscious people. Simply by buying this plan, you will have 85% of your work already done but you will still have to do the other 16%.
It reflects on all aspects of running a health food restaurant and covers the following:
Executive summary: a summary of overall business, just be reading this it will give everyone very good indication of what your entire restaurant venture is all about and how you will go from Zero to Profitability.
what kind of staff you need,
the management,
Keys to success: Success is not just opening your doors, it’s having a real knowledge of what it takes to have initial and repeat customers while making sure profit is realized.
Types of ownerships
A very good selection of menu : put together from all the travelling I have done. every time I came across something good or something that sold well. I put it my list of possible menu item.
Calories and energy based marketing plan
Social marketing plan which will help you gain customers like how most people gain weight.
List of 99 health based form and groups to test your menu ideas, ask for help and gain new customers
Earlier you read 85% and 16% and said to yourself, it adds up to more than 100%, yes it does. You have to be willing and ready to give it all you got and my plan will show you how to give that 1% extra to make your dreams a reality. I spent lots of money learning the things included in this healthy eating business. There is no way you can buy it at a full price and still be able to start your business. I thought of selling it at a discounted price of $2,500, after all, you will be spending lot more than that to start your restaurant. in the last minute I came up with a perfect idea to create a win, win situation. Instead of selling it for $2,500, I will sell it for $49. You decide how much you benefited from it and then add a tip at a later date along with free meal for me and 10 of my friends. The free meal for 10 of my friends will only be valid if I bring another 20 paying customers with me.
If you are seriously considering jumping into the health world and win, not buying this plan will be the first of many mistakes you will make. Why am I so confident, because I know how much work it is to put together a healthy road map that works. You want to be among the few health food restaurants that are around for years to come. This is a good first step.
Just to make sure you have no risk, buy the plan now and if you don’t like what you read, I will give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked. If you still don’t buy this business plan, I don’t know what else to tell you other than Good Luck with Your business.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Business plan for Health Food Restaurant" was created by Business Plan Expert on 09 September 2013 and is available for purchase for $99. Current reach of this billboard is 1066 users.
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