Oracle :: Getting Started
Keeping track of records and large quantities of information can be a pain, but luckily there are a number of software out there that make the entire process a whole lot easier. These are known as Database management systems (DBMSs).

Oracle is among the more prominent DBMSs out there, but as is the case with these sorts of systems, setting them up and then using them efficiently takes a lot of work.

This FREE online course is perfect for beginners who are looking to learn the basics of creating local development databases, and then interacting with them using tools that are completely free.

Whether you’re a report developer looking to put together a project which will aid organization, or an application developer who has recently been given the title of App Database Administrator (DBA), this free course is just what you need to get started with using Oracle.

Set out in boot camp style, this course is designed to give you all the basics in as short an amount of time as possible. Comprising 7 lectures and more than 1.5 hours of content, the course is a walkthrough for beginners which will instruct them on how to use the free Oracle Express Edition database, SQL Developer, and TOAD – all the tools used are completely free.

By the time you are through with the course, you will be more than capable of connecting to the newly installed database using TOAD and/or SQL Developer. The course will leave you with a fully functioning database, in which you may connect to a sample schema, examine its objects, and go through the data they contain.

Author Bio
My experience spans across a vast range of technologies and requirements, and for the past few years I have been working for major US companies and universities as a travelling consultant.
0 8 0 Charles Cranfill

Oracle :: Getting Started Learn more

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Oracle :: Getting Started
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Keeping track of records and large quantities of information can be a pain, but luckily there are a number of software out there that make the entire process a whole lot easier. These are known as Database management systems (DBMSs).

Oracle is among the more prominent DBMSs out there, but as is the case with these sorts of systems, setting them up and then using them efficiently takes a lot of work.

This FREE online course is perfect for beginners who are looking to learn the basics of creating local development databases, and then interacting with them using tools that are completely free.

Whether you’re a report developer looking to put together a project which will aid organization, or an application developer who has recently been given the title of App Database Administrator (DBA), this free course is just what you need to get started with using Oracle.

Set out in boot camp style, this course is designed to give you all the basics in as short an amount of time as possible. Comprising 7 lectures and more than 1.5 hours of content, the course is a walkthrough for beginners which will instruct them on how to use the free Oracle Express Edition database, SQL Developer, and TOAD – all the tools used are completely free.

By the time you are through with the course, you will be more than capable of connecting to the newly installed database using TOAD and/or SQL Developer. The course will leave you with a fully functioning database, in which you may connect to a sample schema, examine its objects, and go through the data they contain.

Author Bio
My experience spans across a vast range of technologies and requirements, and for the past few years I have been working for major US companies and universities as a travelling consultant.

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This billboard titled "Oracle :: Getting Started" was created by Charles Cranfill on 31 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 1058 users.

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Oracle :: Getting Started Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Oracle :: Getting Started
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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