Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing
- Do you want to study about Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

If this is the case then you have come to the right place as this course is designed to help people just like you. This artificial intelligence course will provide you with an introduction to the quantitative techniques associated with natural language processing (NLP). In addition to reviewing contemporary research and methodologies, you will develop an in-depth understanding of linguistic processing algorithms and the computational elements of natural languages. This course is designed for beginners in a way that it is easy to understand. The topics that you will find :

- Prerequisites for this robotics online course
- Sufficient programming experience
- General knowledge of artificial intelligence concepts and computational linguistics


- Adequate experience with programming and formal structures (e.g., CS106B/X and CS103B/X).
- Programming projects will be written in Java 1.5, so knowledge of Java (or a willingness to learn on your own) is required.
- Knowledge of standard concepts in artificial intelligence and/or computational linguistics (e.g., CS121/221 or Ling 180).
- Basic familiarity with logic, vector spaces, and probability.

Intended Audience:

- Graduate students and advanced undergraduates specializing in computer science, linguistics, or symbolic systems.

This course is open to advanced undergraduate and graduate students with backgrounds in symbolic systems, linguistics or computer science.

Author Bio 

The tutor for this course will be Christopher D. Manning, who works on systems that can intelligently process and produce human languages. His areas of interest include: probabilistic models of language, statistical natural language processing, information extraction, text mining, robust textual inference, statistical parsing, grammar induction, constraint-based theories of grammar, and computational lexicography. You will gain a lot under his supervision and soon develop clarity regarding almost all the concepts of related with this field.
0 10 0 Christopher Manning

Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

- Do you want to study about Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

If this is the case then you have come to the right place as this course is designed to help people just like you. This artificial intelligence course will provide you with an introduction to the quantitative techniques associated with natural language processing (NLP). In addition to reviewing contemporary research and methodologies, you will develop an in-depth understanding of linguistic processing algorithms and the computational elements of natural languages. This course is designed for beginners in a way that it is easy to understand. The topics that you will find :

- Prerequisites for this robotics online course
- Sufficient programming experience
- General knowledge of artificial intelligence concepts and computational linguistics


- Adequate experience with programming and formal structures (e.g., CS106B/X and CS103B/X).
- Programming projects will be written in Java 1.5, so knowledge of Java (or a willingness to learn on your own) is required.
- Knowledge of standard concepts in artificial intelligence and/or computational linguistics (e.g., CS121/221 or Ling 180).
- Basic familiarity with logic, vector spaces, and probability.

Intended Audience:

- Graduate students and advanced undergraduates specializing in computer science, linguistics, or symbolic systems.

This course is open to advanced undergraduate and graduate students with backgrounds in symbolic systems, linguistics or computer science.

Author Bio 

The tutor for this course will be Christopher D. Manning, who works on systems that can intelligently process and produce human languages. His areas of interest include: probabilistic models of language, statistical natural language processing, information extraction, text mining, robust textual inference, statistical parsing, grammar induction, constraint-based theories of grammar, and computational lexicography. You will gain a lot under his supervision and soon develop clarity regarding almost all the concepts of related with this field.

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This billboard titled "Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing" was created by Christopher Manning on 28 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 501 users.

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Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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