No credit history = No car financing, Not really!Every time a person lands on foreign soil, he or she faces the dilemma of not having a credit history to avail various credit facilities. Same is true for youngsters who are just starting out in practical life and have nothing to show on their credit report. This means that the person cannot make use of the various credit options, what a bugger.
But after going through the same dilemma many years back, I can tell you the good news that it is not entirely true. I am not saying that you get a million dollar home or that fancy yacht you saw the on the shore the other day financed without a credit history, it’s not going to happen. The great news is that you can certainly get a credit card or a car financed. Yes that’s right, against popular belief; not having a credit history does not bar you from getting a brand new car financed. Doing so successfully can help a long way in building that history.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that it is a cake walk. It is rather more like a puzzle where all pieces must fit right into place for you to succeed. There is much to do to drive out of the dealership with your new car. Rest assured that the car financing company will spank you with a hefty annual percentage rate but that is the part of the package and there will be more. It’s totally worth it as it will pay you back well in the longer run.
So the bottom line my friends is to be smart and make use of my experience to ensure that you do not err like the many rookie car purchasers. Tick the right boxes to drive away in a new car financed without any credit history.
0 2 10 Ed Lee

No credit history = No car financing, Not really! Learn more

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No credit history = No car financing, Not really!
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Every time a person lands on foreign soil, he or she faces the dilemma of not having a credit history to avail various credit facilities. Same is true for youngsters who are just starting out in practical life and have nothing to show on their credit report. This means that the person cannot make use of the various credit options, what a bugger.
But after going through the same dilemma many years back, I can tell you the good news that it is not entirely true. I am not saying that you get a million dollar home or that fancy yacht you saw the on the shore the other day financed without a credit history, it’s not going to happen. The great news is that you can certainly get a credit card or a car financed. Yes that’s right, against popular belief; not having a credit history does not bar you from getting a brand new car financed. Doing so successfully can help a long way in building that history.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that it is a cake walk. It is rather more like a puzzle where all pieces must fit right into place for you to succeed. There is much to do to drive out of the dealership with your new car. Rest assured that the car financing company will spank you with a hefty annual percentage rate but that is the part of the package and there will be more. It’s totally worth it as it will pay you back well in the longer run.
So the bottom line my friends is to be smart and make use of my experience to ensure that you do not err like the many rookie car purchasers. Tick the right boxes to drive away in a new car financed without any credit history.

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This billboard titled "No credit history = No car financing, Not really!" was created by Ed Lee on 16 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 447 users.

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No credit history = No car financing, Not really! Learn more
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No credit history = No car financing, Not really!
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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