Package Description
Are you passionate to learn about latest web technologies?
Are you interested in becoming a web developer or designer?
Do you want to learn more about HTML5 absolutely free?
Do you want to take a short course which will help in getting started with HTML5 application development?
Do you have any idea about HTML tags?
Do you want to learn the appropriate and efficient ways to create HTML website?
HTML5 is one of the hottest properties in the technology sector which includes some phenomenal additional features, no wonder why it is gaining immense popularity across web and mobile. Users are adopting this technology because it is easier to integrate graphical and other media content to the website through HTML5, that too, without using different plug-ins and flash player. Furthermore, renowned web browsers (chrome, Firefox 3.5, Safari, Opera along with Microsoft explorer 8.) are now compatible with HTML5.
This guide has specifically been designed for beginners and will help them in learning:
1. Appropriate, efficient and effective ways to use HTML5 from scratch.
2. Basic HTML tags.
3. Creating HTML website and using CSS.
4. Getting familiar with the appropriate steps involved in the making of a website along with new tags and forms.
5. Advanced topics such as Drag and Drop and multimedia.
6. Detailed knowledge about Geolocation (helps in making location available to other compatible browsers and applications via GPS or other methods), Webstorage and offline Application cache (helps in making application available even when the user is not connected to the network).
This guide has been prepared by EDUNNIX TECHNOLOGIES. The entire course includes easy-to-understand examples so that it can facilitate people who want to learn more about the latest and growing trends in the technology sector without paying registration or any other fee for the entire course.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "HTML 5 programming course - Learning one of the most exciting web technology from scratch" was created by EDUNNIX TECHNOLOGIES on 23 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 2119 users.
Availability:1 Week