Essay structure for A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel for literature studentsThe main difficulty literature students face when it comes to analyzing a piece of work is the task of identifying all the elements and compiling them in the form of an essay. While your professor will teach you the basics and give you some background, s/he is unlikely to pinpoint each and every element that needs to be discussed. Any literature student who is pressed for time and rushing to finish an assignment will tell you that they wish they had a pre-prepared outline to go by. That is where my guide comes in – I have prepared a detailed list of all the headings you will need to mention, what to discuss under each of these, and how to organize and structure your analysis on Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel.

A gritty portrayal of the horror that was World War I, Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell to Arms was a far cry from the novels of the preceding era. A truly Modern piece of work in every aspect of the term, A Farewell to Arms sheds tradition and presents a realistic picture of the terrifying new age in which it was born. Written as a first-person account revolving around expatriate American Frederic Henry, who is serving in the Italian Army’s ambulance corps as a Lieutenant, A Farewell to Arms narrates the progression of the romantic relationship between Henry and nurse Catherine Barkley, with the First World War serving as a rather gruesome backdrop. Any course on Modern literature would be incomplete without a study of A Farewell to Arms, and for this purpose, it becomes essential to identify the elements that make the novel a Modern one.

As an avid reader and a student of literature, I found that it was easiest to break down my analysis of A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel into two parts. I began by looking for the thematic elements that make the novel characteristic of its time, the most obvious Modern theme being that of the war. The cynical views of the soldiers regarding the war, and the ruthlessly graphic descriptions of agony and chaos are all relevant here, and other themes include Henry as a typical Hemmingway hero, otherwise known as a “tyro”. Once I covered all the themes, I moved on to looking for the stylistic elements that make the novel a Modern one – these include, among others, Hemmingway’s curt, hard-boiled, journalistic style of writing, the use of blatantly crude language, and the bleak, depressing denouement of the novel, which tapers off without offering readers a satisfying conclusion..
0 11 7 Emma Forster

Essay structure for A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel for literature students Learn more

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Essay structure for A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel for literature students
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The main difficulty literature students face when it comes to analyzing a piece of work is the task of identifying all the elements and compiling them in the form of an essay. While your professor will teach you the basics and give you some background, s/he is unlikely to pinpoint each and every element that needs to be discussed. Any literature student who is pressed for time and rushing to finish an assignment will tell you that they wish they had a pre-prepared outline to go by. That is where my guide comes in – I have prepared a detailed list of all the headings you will need to mention, what to discuss under each of these, and how to organize and structure your analysis on Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel.

A gritty portrayal of the horror that was World War I, Ernest Hemmingway’s A Farewell to Arms was a far cry from the novels of the preceding era. A truly Modern piece of work in every aspect of the term, A Farewell to Arms sheds tradition and presents a realistic picture of the terrifying new age in which it was born. Written as a first-person account revolving around expatriate American Frederic Henry, who is serving in the Italian Army’s ambulance corps as a Lieutenant, A Farewell to Arms narrates the progression of the romantic relationship between Henry and nurse Catherine Barkley, with the First World War serving as a rather gruesome backdrop. Any course on Modern literature would be incomplete without a study of A Farewell to Arms, and for this purpose, it becomes essential to identify the elements that make the novel a Modern one.

As an avid reader and a student of literature, I found that it was easiest to break down my analysis of A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel into two parts. I began by looking for the thematic elements that make the novel characteristic of its time, the most obvious Modern theme being that of the war. The cynical views of the soldiers regarding the war, and the ruthlessly graphic descriptions of agony and chaos are all relevant here, and other themes include Henry as a typical Hemmingway hero, otherwise known as a “tyro”. Once I covered all the themes, I moved on to looking for the stylistic elements that make the novel a Modern one – these include, among others, Hemmingway’s curt, hard-boiled, journalistic style of writing, the use of blatantly crude language, and the bleak, depressing denouement of the novel, which tapers off without offering readers a satisfying conclusion.

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Essay structure for A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel for literature students Learn more
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Essay structure for A Farewell to Arms as a Modern novel for literature students
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