3D Computer Graphics – Understanding the Basic Principles of How Realistic Computer Images are generated
- Do you want to build an efficient and effective animated 3D demo program in a timely fashion without any problem?
- Do you have a prior knowledge or experience of computer languages?
- Are you willing to learn the designing and building process of 3D computer graphic at appropriate learning centre under exceptional instructors?
The term "computer graphics" is often interpreted in different ways - this is an area of computer science that addresses different problems of obtaining different images (pictures, drawings, animations) on the computer. The need for extensive use of graphics software has become very popular nowadays. Computer graphics has a huge potential to facilitate the process of learning and creativity, it allows the students to develop spatial awareness, a practical understanding of artistic taste.
This guide is beneficial for amateur users – who are interested in learning more about 3D computer graphics and advanced users – who have prior knowledge and a little experience in this field.

This guide will help you learn:
- Introduction (Motivation and a trip down the graphics pipeline, laying out the fundamental processes)
- Points, Vectors, and Meshes (The basics of 3D geometry definition)
- Colors and Materials (Color representation, material computations, transparency)
- Transforms (Translation, scale, rotate and how to properly combine all these)
- Matrices (Transform representation and how to fully control these)
- Lights (Directional and point light sources)
- Cameras (How the camera is defined)
- Textures and Reflections (Color and opacity textures, along with reflection and normal mapping)
- Shader Programming (An introduction to programming vertex and pixel shaders)
- Interaction and Animation (How to select and make objects move)
Author Bio

This efficient, effective and convenient guide has been designed and prepared by Eric Haines (Senior Principal Engineer at Autodesk, Inc., working on a next-generation interactive rendering system for computer-aided design applications) and Gundega Dekena (studies at Udacity and became course developer).

0 11 0 Eric Haines

3D Computer Graphics – Understanding the Basic Principles of How Realistic Computer Images are generated Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
3D Computer Graphics – Understanding the Basic Principles of How Realistic Computer Images are generated
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

- Do you want to build an efficient and effective animated 3D demo program in a timely fashion without any problem?
- Do you have a prior knowledge or experience of computer languages?
- Are you willing to learn the designing and building process of 3D computer graphic at appropriate learning centre under exceptional instructors?
The term "computer graphics" is often interpreted in different ways - this is an area of computer science that addresses different problems of obtaining different images (pictures, drawings, animations) on the computer. The need for extensive use of graphics software has become very popular nowadays. Computer graphics has a huge potential to facilitate the process of learning and creativity, it allows the students to develop spatial awareness, a practical understanding of artistic taste.
This guide is beneficial for amateur users – who are interested in learning more about 3D computer graphics and advanced users – who have prior knowledge and a little experience in this field.

This guide will help you learn:
- Introduction (Motivation and a trip down the graphics pipeline, laying out the fundamental processes)
- Points, Vectors, and Meshes (The basics of 3D geometry definition)
- Colors and Materials (Color representation, material computations, transparency)
- Transforms (Translation, scale, rotate and how to properly combine all these)
- Matrices (Transform representation and how to fully control these)
- Lights (Directional and point light sources)
- Cameras (How the camera is defined)
- Textures and Reflections (Color and opacity textures, along with reflection and normal mapping)
- Shader Programming (An introduction to programming vertex and pixel shaders)
- Interaction and Animation (How to select and make objects move)
Author Bio

This efficient, effective and convenient guide has been designed and prepared by Eric Haines (Senior Principal Engineer at Autodesk, Inc., working on a next-generation interactive rendering system for computer-aided design applications) and Gundega Dekena (studies at Udacity and became course developer).

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3D Computer Graphics – Understanding the Basic Principles of How Realistic Computer Images are generated Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
3D Computer Graphics – Understanding the Basic Principles of How Realistic Computer Images are generated
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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