Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stonesHow can you tell if you have kidney stones?
Are you experience pain on the side of your lower abdomen? Have you been popping painkillers to little effect? If so, you just might have a kidney stone. The trouble with this condition is that it can remain all but undetected until it reaches an advanced stage – kidney stones could quietly be growing inside you without your realizing, and you won’t notice until you start experiencing severe pangs of pain. Even then, the illness is often mistaken for some other ailment, and if the problem is not detected in time, it can cause serious infections. So how do you make sure you catch the condition in time?
This billboard is your all-in-one guide to identifying kidney stones so you can proceed to the treatment stage instead of worrying about what you are suffering from. The billboard comes with a professional guide, in which the causes of kidney stones are discussed in great detail, so you can find out whether you might have been exposed to something that facilitates the creation of kidney stones. Then, the guide moves on to discussing each symptom thoroughly, so you can determine whether you might have kidney stones – in addition, suggestions for procedures you can have done in order to detect kidney stones are also provided. Finally, the guide moves on to outlining a few methods for treatment – these include everything from home remedies to elaborate procedures at the hospital, depending on the severity of your situation, and the size of the stones. This guide also contains rough estimates of how much each procedure and treatment is likely to cost you, and which methods are considered more effective than others.
A full-fledged guide to identifying kidney stones, this guide can benefit anyone who is experiencing pain and discomfort, and worrying about whether they might or might not have kidney stones..
0 10 6 Gordon Pickett

Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stones Learn more

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Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stones
Price: $6 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

How can you tell if you have kidney stones?
Are you experience pain on the side of your lower abdomen? Have you been popping painkillers to little effect? If so, you just might have a kidney stone. The trouble with this condition is that it can remain all but undetected until it reaches an advanced stage – kidney stones could quietly be growing inside you without your realizing, and you won’t notice until you start experiencing severe pangs of pain. Even then, the illness is often mistaken for some other ailment, and if the problem is not detected in time, it can cause serious infections. So how do you make sure you catch the condition in time?
This billboard is your all-in-one guide to identifying kidney stones so you can proceed to the treatment stage instead of worrying about what you are suffering from. The billboard comes with a professional guide, in which the causes of kidney stones are discussed in great detail, so you can find out whether you might have been exposed to something that facilitates the creation of kidney stones. Then, the guide moves on to discussing each symptom thoroughly, so you can determine whether you might have kidney stones – in addition, suggestions for procedures you can have done in order to detect kidney stones are also provided. Finally, the guide moves on to outlining a few methods for treatment – these include everything from home remedies to elaborate procedures at the hospital, depending on the severity of your situation, and the size of the stones. This guide also contains rough estimates of how much each procedure and treatment is likely to cost you, and which methods are considered more effective than others.
A full-fledged guide to identifying kidney stones, this guide can benefit anyone who is experiencing pain and discomfort, and worrying about whether they might or might not have kidney stones.

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This billboard titled "Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stones" was created by Gordon Pickett on 17 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $6. Current reach of this billboard is 649 users.

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Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stones Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Life-saving tips on identifying kidney stones
Price: $6 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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