The Role of Engineering in Modern Day BusinessThe Role of Engineering in Modern Day Business


The day and age it seems belongs to the engineers. Since they are the ones who are now pushing the technologies forward, they are the ones leading the way towards a better world. It is important that in their quest for betterment that the whole affair is not about pure competition and some considerations to the humane side of matters should also be given. Doing so actually is more likely going to bring better results. The main emphasis on the lecture on offer is based on these ideas.

Why you should take this lecture?

This video will offer you insight the role of the engineers in the 21st century as the world looks to push production levels higher and do so in a manner that allows lesser wastage. It also stresses upon ways in which the business related matters can be improved.

What are the benefits of this lecture?

It is a lecture that will be particularly useful for people related with research and development for new products. Engineers who are working in various fields or are looking to do so after completing their education too will greatly benefit from it. Entrepreneurs can learn some important tips as well in their quest to move forward.   

Table of Contents

- Understanding the importance of upcycling instead of traditional recycling.
- Understanding the benefits of open code.
- Making use open source to gather the maximum input and come out with better results.
- Understanding the importance of failure.
- Constantly questioning your own work to make it better.  

Author Bio

Greg Papadopoulos works with Sun Microsystems as the Chief Technology Officer and the Executive Vice President of Research and Development. He was previously associated with Thinking Machines. Greg also was an Associate Professor at MIT. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the same University. 
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The Role of Engineering in Modern Day Business
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

The Role of Engineering in Modern Day Business


The day and age it seems belongs to the engineers. Since they are the ones who are now pushing the technologies forward, they are the ones leading the way towards a better world. It is important that in their quest for betterment that the whole affair is not about pure competition and some considerations to the humane side of matters should also be given. Doing so actually is more likely going to bring better results. The main emphasis on the lecture on offer is based on these ideas.

Why you should take this lecture?

This video will offer you insight the role of the engineers in the 21st century as the world looks to push production levels higher and do so in a manner that allows lesser wastage. It also stresses upon ways in which the business related matters can be improved.

What are the benefits of this lecture?

It is a lecture that will be particularly useful for people related with research and development for new products. Engineers who are working in various fields or are looking to do so after completing their education too will greatly benefit from it. Entrepreneurs can learn some important tips as well in their quest to move forward.   

Table of Contents

- Understanding the importance of upcycling instead of traditional recycling.
- Understanding the benefits of open code.
- Making use open source to gather the maximum input and come out with better results.
- Understanding the importance of failure.
- Constantly questioning your own work to make it better.  

Author Bio

Greg Papadopoulos works with Sun Microsystems as the Chief Technology Officer and the Executive Vice President of Research and Development. He was previously associated with Thinking Machines. Greg also was an Associate Professor at MIT. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the same University. 

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This billboard titled "The Role of Engineering in Modern Day Business" was created by Greg Papadopoulos on 30 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 590 users.

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The Role of Engineering in Modern Day Business
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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