The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....!Everyday I hear people saying that they are all fed up with their hobbies and want to change them. To be honest, there was a time when I was also one of them. I felt that I didn't have a genuine hobby. I tried different stuff. Normally like reading, writing, gardening e.t.c. are considered the answer to the question of "What are your hobbies?". So it was natural that I would try to gel in these activities. But after sometimes I got bored with these. Then it hit me that if I can't kill my boredom with these activities then they do not deserve to be called "My Hobbies". Then I ventured in my life to try to find the activity which suited me. All the while I didn't notice that I had found the thing I searched all my life for. I am a big fan of video gaming and I have been playing them all my life. I didn't notice that it was the only activity that is able to kill my boredom. Then I realized that why not I make video gaming my hobby? Since then I found my hobby and it is gaming.. 0 13 200 Guy

The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....! Learn more

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The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....!
Price: $200 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
Package Description

Everyday I hear people saying that they are all fed up with their hobbies and want to change them. To be honest, there was a time when I was also one of them. I felt that I didn't have a genuine hobby. I tried different stuff. Normally like reading, writing, gardening e.t.c. are considered the answer to the question of "What are your hobbies?". So it was natural that I would try to gel in these activities. But after sometimes I got bored with these. Then it hit me that if I can't kill my boredom with these activities then they do not deserve to be called "My Hobbies". Then I ventured in my life to try to find the activity which suited me. All the while I didn't notice that I had found the thing I searched all my life for. I am a big fan of video gaming and I have been playing them all my life. I didn't notice that it was the only activity that is able to kill my boredom. Then I realized that why not I make video gaming my hobby? Since then I found my hobby and it is gaming.

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This billboard titled "The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....!" was created by Guy on 14 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $200. This billboard was shared 2 times in total and 1 time on facebook Current reach of this billboard is 407 users.

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Availability:30 days
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The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....! Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
The only reason you want to change a hobby is that you don't have a real one yet....!
Price: $200 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
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