Package Description
An average PR company in the UK will charge you anywhere between £5,000 to £10,000 per month to do PR – what a joke, very similar figures for the USA.
If you truly are a startup there is no way you should be splashing out such money on PR, truth is if you truly believe in your concept then you believe that once major reporters look at it – you should be getting covered or they’ll be chasing after you trying to get you on the phone not you trying to arrange a sneaky interview with them in hope to get covered for free.
It’s easy to spend money than make money, the more you start spending money it means you will be lasting in business for a shorter period of time if you do not make it – don’t make that mistake of falling into that path of getting overly excited about your business so caught up in dream land that you end up splashing money in every direction possible because failure will be written in stone for definite.
I’ve been in the startup game for more than 15 years, yes I’ve paid money for PR on a few occasions but only to test what they can do and what I can do alone and according to my tests I’ve outdone with by 10 times each and every time with my FREE methods on how to gain PR – when I say free I’m not talking for the candy to be handed to you there will be work that needs to be done in order to gain PR completely free this will not require much time at all otherwise I wouldn’t waste my time and yours trying to sell you this billboard.
Are you ready to create a buzz around the world? I’ll unleash the most monstrous tips that you couldn’t even imagine – buy now.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "How to get FREE PR for your startup" was created by Ishe Hearls on 31 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $49. Current reach of this billboard is 560 users. It also has 1 package review
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