Package Description
Introduction to French language
French is regarded as one of the most romantic languages across the world spoken by approximately 265 million people in France, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Luxembourg, west and central Africa, several islands in the Indian Ocean, Caribbean and the French Pacific Territories. French has always captivated its melodic, elegance and unique charm. Majority of French people do not like to communicate in English and appreciate when foreigners made an effort to learn French.
This is a tutorial based guide comes with video dramatization especially for beginners in order to understand things in a more comfortable and timely fashion. So, it is highly recommended to install flash player and Java before starting this course. If the student intends to go for a distance-based learning, he/she should be able to use video conference software.
Who should take this course?
This course is beneficial for independent learners – who want to learn this language and develop communication skills, students – who want to go to a country where the medium of language is French, travellers – who often visit to France and find it difficult to communicate with people in the country and business men – who want to develop effective communication skills for business dealing.
What are the benefits of the course?
This efficient, convenient, effective and time-saving guide will help you learn:
- How to introduce yourself
- How to order at a restaurant
- How to ask for something from shopkeepers at a shopping mall
Table of contents:
- Introduction to French Language (words and phrases, structures, sound, communication, Synthesis activities, supplements)
- The origin (communication, cultural universe, synthesis activities and supplements)
- Studies (word and expression, sounds)
- The age
- The appearance
- Personality
- My preference
- Activities
- Time
- Family
- The house
- Working meal
- At the restaurant
- The races
Author Bio:
This guide has been designed and prepared by renowned professors and lecturers of different universities and colleges across the United States of America.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "French Language – An Effective Guide to Learn the Language" was created by Jack Nicholas on 31 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 930 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week.