Opportunities in Environmental Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs in this day and age are the major players in the business world. There are many subfields in entrepreneurship. A recent and more socially responsible category is that of an environmental entrepreneur. It is a field that allows a person to make money as an entrepreneur but work for the betterment of the masses through the products or services on offer being more environmentally friendly. Thus, the sole purpose of the business is not just to make money but give something back to the society as well. It is a concept that is growing quickly and some of the more established names in various industries are joining in.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will show you the possibilities that are available in the field of environmental entrepreneurship and how you can bring about positive change while you earn at the same time.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

This lecture is ideal for entrepreneurs that are considering venturing into something different. Since there is quite a bit of space available in this field, it is an ideal option for young entrepreneurs looking to enter into it for the long haul.

Table of Contents

- Understanding the eco system.
- Making use of the possibilities in the carbon market.
- Developing the water markets.
- Taking up the environmental entrepreneurship.
- Making sustainable finance models.
- Advocating policies for better environment.
- Maintaining an environmental friendly supply chain.

Author Bio

Jennifer Morris is working for Conservation International (CI) as the Executive Vice President of the Ecosystem Finance and Markets Unit of Conservation and co-chair of the Resource Management Group of Conservation International. Jennifer heads a team of 80 personnel that look to develop and implement conservation initiatives under CI partners.  She holds a master's from Columbia University in international relations with focus on business development. 
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Opportunities in Environmental Entrepreneurship Learn more

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Opportunities in Environmental Entrepreneurship
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description


Entrepreneurs in this day and age are the major players in the business world. There are many subfields in entrepreneurship. A recent and more socially responsible category is that of an environmental entrepreneur. It is a field that allows a person to make money as an entrepreneur but work for the betterment of the masses through the products or services on offer being more environmentally friendly. Thus, the sole purpose of the business is not just to make money but give something back to the society as well. It is a concept that is growing quickly and some of the more established names in various industries are joining in.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will show you the possibilities that are available in the field of environmental entrepreneurship and how you can bring about positive change while you earn at the same time.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

This lecture is ideal for entrepreneurs that are considering venturing into something different. Since there is quite a bit of space available in this field, it is an ideal option for young entrepreneurs looking to enter into it for the long haul.

Table of Contents

- Understanding the eco system.
- Making use of the possibilities in the carbon market.
- Developing the water markets.
- Taking up the environmental entrepreneurship.
- Making sustainable finance models.
- Advocating policies for better environment.
- Maintaining an environmental friendly supply chain.

Author Bio

Jennifer Morris is working for Conservation International (CI) as the Executive Vice President of the Ecosystem Finance and Markets Unit of Conservation and co-chair of the Resource Management Group of Conservation International. Jennifer heads a team of 80 personnel that look to develop and implement conservation initiatives under CI partners.  She holds a master's from Columbia University in international relations with focus on business development. 

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Opportunities in Environmental Entrepreneurship Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities in Environmental Entrepreneurship
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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