Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started.

If you have ever attended a business seminar, taken a course, or just browsed business videos on YouTube, you will know that the very first thing you will be told is – you need to have a plan!

This sounds like common sense until you actually have to sit down and write. Setting measurable objectives, planning the schedule and making supporting plans sounds easy to do, till you realize that each of these is made up of smaller steps, and each of those of even smaller. The whole thing can be overwhelming!

On the other hand, maybe you are already well along with your project plan but don't know what to do next or how to do it?

I want to make it easy for you to build a successful startup, no matter what kind of business you are starting.

My plan will help you;

    Get unstuck

    Figure out and define your Marketing Strategies

    Follow the correct steps to build the business of your dreams

    Always know what to do next, and next

    Don't let anything fall through the cracks. Get a 196 item checklist in .PDF format which includes the correct sequence I've used to start four businesses. (Note: The PDF is not editable – see extras below).

    Clients pay me almost $2000 to build a custom project plan and checklist. You can get my checklist for just $10

    Order this billboard for only $10


    Editable versions in MS Project 07, Excel 07, Word and xml file formats +$20 (Order 3 times for this)

    Get a personal Skype consultation and strategy session to solve your business problems +$80 (allow an additional 6 days to set up) ( Order 9 times) 

    Get my tactical marketing plan .xls spreadsheet, to plan and execute your marketing +$30 (Order 4 times in total)

    Get my strategic marketing questionnaire to help you get more customers +$30 (rebuy the billboard 3 times for this)

0 0 10 Jennifer Stones

Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started. Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started.
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:3 days
Package Description

If you have ever attended a business seminar, taken a course, or just browsed business videos on YouTube, you will know that the very first thing you will be told is – you need to have a plan!

This sounds like common sense until you actually have to sit down and write. Setting measurable objectives, planning the schedule and making supporting plans sounds easy to do, till you realize that each of these is made up of smaller steps, and each of those of even smaller. The whole thing can be overwhelming!

On the other hand, maybe you are already well along with your project plan but don't know what to do next or how to do it?

I want to make it easy for you to build a successful startup, no matter what kind of business you are starting.

My plan will help you;

    Get unstuck

    Figure out and define your Marketing Strategies

    Follow the correct steps to build the business of your dreams

    Always know what to do next, and next

    Don't let anything fall through the cracks. Get a 196 item checklist in .PDF format which includes the correct sequence I've used to start four businesses. (Note: The PDF is not editable – see extras below).

    Clients pay me almost $2000 to build a custom project plan and checklist. You can get my checklist for just $10

    Order this billboard for only $10


    Editable versions in MS Project 07, Excel 07, Word and xml file formats +$20 (Order 3 times for this)

    Get a personal Skype consultation and strategy session to solve your business problems +$80 (allow an additional 6 days to set up) ( Order 9 times) 

    Get my tactical marketing plan .xls spreadsheet, to plan and execute your marketing +$30 (Order 4 times in total)

    Get my strategic marketing questionnaire to help you get more customers +$30 (rebuy the billboard 3 times for this)

Quick Information

This billboard titled "Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started." was created by Jennifer Stones on 05 November 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 992 users.It has been vouched by 1 user.

Price:$10 Purchases:0
Availability:3 days
Package Contents (0)

Content of this package will be available within 3 days of buying and if seller is failed to provide the content of the package, you will be fully refunded after 1 week of purchase as promised.

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Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started. Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Starting the company of your dreams begins with a good plan. My super checklist and project plan will get you started.
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:3 days
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