Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling aloneHow can women who are travelling alone stay safe?
Women who are travelling alone generally attract more attention than men in a similar situation, and while females are just as capable of dealing with the rigours of travelling as their male counterparts, they can be slightly more vulnerable and more at risk in certain situations. For this reason, safety is a paramount concern for women who are travelling alone, and they need to be careful in order to avoid getting into any unsavoury situations which might lead to physical harm or financial loss.
If you are a female aiming to travel alone, whether for business or for pleasure, this billboard on how to stay safe while travelling solo can be a lifesaver for you, keeping you out of situations that can range from mildly awkward to downright life-threatening. Purchase this guide to awaken yourself to the fact that not all exotic journeys resemble the one depicted in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, and to equip yourself with everything you need to know in order to ensure your safety and well-being. This package comes with a document which outlines tips you can use to make yourself more inconspicuous and less of a target, details how to avoid shady places, risky situations, and travel scams, and offers general tips which might seem like common sense but can in fact save your life. In addition, the guide also prepares you mentally, by helping you develop the sort of attitude and outlook you need in order to remain safe while travelling on your own.
This package, as the title explains, is especially designed for women who are looking to travel by themselves. However, men who are concerned for the safety of women they happen to be close to can also use this guide to give the female in question a couple of pointers on how to stay safe before she embarks on her journey..
0 38 5 Jessica Radford

Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling alone Learn more

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Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling alone
Price: $5 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

How can women who are travelling alone stay safe?
Women who are travelling alone generally attract more attention than men in a similar situation, and while females are just as capable of dealing with the rigours of travelling as their male counterparts, they can be slightly more vulnerable and more at risk in certain situations. For this reason, safety is a paramount concern for women who are travelling alone, and they need to be careful in order to avoid getting into any unsavoury situations which might lead to physical harm or financial loss.
If you are a female aiming to travel alone, whether for business or for pleasure, this billboard on how to stay safe while travelling solo can be a lifesaver for you, keeping you out of situations that can range from mildly awkward to downright life-threatening. Purchase this guide to awaken yourself to the fact that not all exotic journeys resemble the one depicted in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, and to equip yourself with everything you need to know in order to ensure your safety and well-being. This package comes with a document which outlines tips you can use to make yourself more inconspicuous and less of a target, details how to avoid shady places, risky situations, and travel scams, and offers general tips which might seem like common sense but can in fact save your life. In addition, the guide also prepares you mentally, by helping you develop the sort of attitude and outlook you need in order to remain safe while travelling on your own.
This package, as the title explains, is especially designed for women who are looking to travel by themselves. However, men who are concerned for the safety of women they happen to be close to can also use this guide to give the female in question a couple of pointers on how to stay safe before she embarks on her journey.

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This billboard titled "Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling alone" was created by Jessica Radford on 07 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $5. Current reach of this billboard is 1054 users.

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Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling alone Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Flying solo – Safety tips for women travelling alone
Price: $5 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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