Package Description
Design patterns are the biggest thing in the Java community nowadays, and learning all about them is essential if you plan on doing anything that involves Java. Knowing all about java design patterns and java architecture can help you do everything from successfully working as a Java developer and writing effective Java programs to passing exams that involve Java.
Ideal for anyone who has basic Java knowledge and is looking to take it a step further, this completely FREE course on java design patterns and java architecture can be your ticket to better coding.
The course contains some of the more common and useful design patterns in Java – these include reusable code patterns that can be used to perform tasks and structure programs, and many examples with full source code are also provided.
Offering more than 4.5 hours of content and upwards of 20 lectures in total, this free course comprises three sections:
- Section One: Methodology (contains an introduction and a history of software design)
- Section Two: Structural Patterns (covers the Model-View-Controller, the Observer Pattern, and an MVC controversy)
- Section Three: Smaller Scale Patterns (contains everything from the Singleton Pattern, DAO, and how to save to memory, to JUnit basics, Facades, the Adapter Pattern, and the Factory Pattern)
By the end of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of common design patterns in Java, be aware of when you can apply common patterns, and have the ability to use design patterns with ease for the purpose of structuring your software.
Author Bio
Currently based in Budapest, Hungary, from where I run, I am a professional private software trainer. Prior to my current occupation, I worked for around 14 years as a software developer and contractor in the UK and the Netherlands, for top companies like Proquest, SPSS, CSC, and AT&T.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Java Design Patterns and Architecture" was created by John Purcell on 29 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 955 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week.