Package Description
- Do you like to design software?
- Do you want to conduct a test for the software before finalising it?
- Are you willing to seek professional training for this purpose absolutely free?
Software testing - the process of analyzing the quality of the product. Currently existing methods of testing do not conclusively and completely identify all the defects of the program being analyzed. Thus, the process of formal verification or verification should be learned in order to check all the defects in the software product, taking into account the human factor that is present in all phases of the software life cycle.
This guide is beneficial for people – who want to learn about software testing with prior experience of programming in the past and for advanced users – who want to learn more about software testing. This course will help you learn:
- Domains, Ranges, Oracles, and different Kinds of Testing (How to think about the different elements of software testing)
- Code Coverage (How to find parts of a program that need more testing)
- Random Testing (How to automatically generate test cases that break code in unexpected ways)
- Advanced Random Testing (How to engineer a sophisticated random test case generator)
- How to deal with lots of bugs?
- How to take a big input that triggers a bug and make it smaller?
- Detailed knowledge on the basics of how to catch bugs and break software in order to make efficient and effective software
- How to report a bug, and more
- Conclusion
Author Bio
This efficient and effective guide has been designed and prepared by John Regehr (computer science professor at the University of Utah). Regehr likes to work on key elements that lessen the probability of software to fail and integral overflow problems. Sean Bennett, on the other hand, started working as Course Architect at Udacity after giving several years to functional web programming.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Software Testing – Minimizing the Risk of Bugs While Writing and Building Software" was created by John Regehr on 28 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 1479 users.
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