Package Description
- Do you think doctor-patient relationship is extremely important?
- Want to learn more about this particular aspect of medicine?
- Seeking an online course regarding medical interviewing and the doctor-patient relationship?
If this is the case then you have reached the right source as the course that is provided here is designed to address all your questions and leave you satisfied.
What are Medical Interviewing and the Doctor-Patient Relationship?
Medical Interviewing and the Doctor-Patient Relationship is an interpersonal activity between a doctor and a patient. The profession of medicine fuses technical competence with a clear understanding of human experience requiring the ability to communicate that understanding to patients.
What are the benefits of taking this course?
Communication between patients and doctors can be more complicated than you think. This technical communication online course, originally prepared in 2011, will train you in the skills needed to have a sympathetic and productive conversation with a patient, obtaining information you might need to make a diagnosis without embarrassing, discomforting or humiliating your patient. No special technology beyond a computer and internet connection is needed to access this course, although it is written for student doctors and assumes a great deal of medical knowledge.
After successfully completing this course a user will know how to:
- Interact respectfully with peers about a clinical interaction
- Receive feedback in a non-defensive manner and respond to suggestions
- Summarize information collected concisely
- Translate an interpersonal interaction with a patient
- Apply lecture topics to encounters with patients
- Follow appropriate channels for conflict resolution
- Stay involved and interested in the patient’s problem
- Have humility as well as maturity
Author Bio:
The instructor for this course is Jonathan Schindelheim, MD, who is presently works at the Tufts University School of Medicine. His unique teaching technique has helped to prepare this course in the easiest possible way for the better understanding of users.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Medical Interviewing and the Doctor-Patient Relationship" was created by Jonathan Schindelheim on 30 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 1036 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week.