Programming Abstractions

This course covers the advanced level of programming methodology. The main features of this program include software engineering principles of data abstraction and modularity. There is also emphasis on recursion and recursive data structures. An introduction to time and space complexity analysis is present as well. A good bit of knowledge about the C++ and the basic facilities it offers are also a part of this course. It is expected that you are proficient in the programming methodology when you join the course. Otherwise it will not be possible to comprehend most of what is on offer.

Why you should take this course?

This course offers some great knowledge on the various matters related with programming and data abstraction at an advanced level. Taking this course will allow you to understand many topics that are not taught in detail at previous levels.  

Who will benefit from this course?

It is an ideal course for students who have studied programming methodology at college level or in an AP class in high school. It is designed for people who are already at home with the basics of programming methodology. If you do not have prior knowledge on the subject or it is not your stronger suit, the course may be a step forward for you.

Table of Contents

- Client use of classes and templates,
- Functional and procedural recursion
- Recursive backtracking, recursive data
- Algorithm analysis, sorting, template functions
- Implementing vector, stack, and queue
- Trees, hashing, implementing map and set, graphs

Author Bio

Julie Zelenski is a lecturer at Stanford University. She completed her Mathematical Sciences Degree from the Stanford University in 1985. After spending a few years in the industry, Julie joined Stanford and to date remains with the prestigious university. She teaches subjects based on programming methodology.  She has also served at the Computer Science Advanced Placement development committee.
0 4 0 Julie Zulenski

Programming Abstractions Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Programming Abstractions
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description


This course covers the advanced level of programming methodology. The main features of this program include software engineering principles of data abstraction and modularity. There is also emphasis on recursion and recursive data structures. An introduction to time and space complexity analysis is present as well. A good bit of knowledge about the C++ and the basic facilities it offers are also a part of this course. It is expected that you are proficient in the programming methodology when you join the course. Otherwise it will not be possible to comprehend most of what is on offer.

Why you should take this course?

This course offers some great knowledge on the various matters related with programming and data abstraction at an advanced level. Taking this course will allow you to understand many topics that are not taught in detail at previous levels.  

Who will benefit from this course?

It is an ideal course for students who have studied programming methodology at college level or in an AP class in high school. It is designed for people who are already at home with the basics of programming methodology. If you do not have prior knowledge on the subject or it is not your stronger suit, the course may be a step forward for you.

Table of Contents

- Client use of classes and templates,
- Functional and procedural recursion
- Recursive backtracking, recursive data
- Algorithm analysis, sorting, template functions
- Implementing vector, stack, and queue
- Trees, hashing, implementing map and set, graphs

Author Bio

Julie Zelenski is a lecturer at Stanford University. She completed her Mathematical Sciences Degree from the Stanford University in 1985. After spending a few years in the industry, Julie joined Stanford and to date remains with the prestigious university. She teaches subjects based on programming methodology.  She has also served at the Computer Science Advanced Placement development committee.

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Programming Abstractions Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Programming Abstractions
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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