A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine?Are you about to begin you professional education in the field of medicine? Want to know the basics and be a step ahead of the rest of your peers? Are you looking for some help by taking an online course in medicine?
If you are looking for answers to the questions mentioned above then this is most certainly the right place for you and many others like you. This package contains a course that has been designed in such a way that it can penetrate through the minds of almost everyone. Not everyone has the stomach for studies in the field of medicine and that is where this course comes in and helps people accomplish the goal of comprehending the basics.
What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?
Intended for first year medicine, dentistry and medical assisting students, this online course teaches students the basics of practicing medicine. Through lectures with text transcripts and slides as well as lab assignments, you will learn to take patient histories, check vital signs, recognize conditions such as anemia as well as a wide range of diseases, and learn about the major human organ systems and how they function together.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction to patient examination
- History taking: overview and method
- Symptoms and signs associated with common medical conditions
- Cardiopulmonary assessment with demonstration
- Neurological assessment with demonstration
- Head and neck assessment with demonstration
- Extremities and abdomen assessment with demonstration
- Assessment of victims of violence, the disabled patient and the role of behavioural medicine in patient assessment
- Assessment of normal laboratory texts
- Medical physical examination overview and method
- Dental: History taking and intraoral examination by a General Dentist and an Oral Pathologist
- Prescription writing and endocarditic prophylaxis
- Using the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for evaluation of drugs
- Pharmacology: Anaesthetics, analgesics and antibodies
Author Bio
This course will be taught by Kanchan Ganda.
0 1 0 Kanchan Ganda

A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

?Are you about to begin you professional education in the field of medicine? Want to know the basics and be a step ahead of the rest of your peers? Are you looking for some help by taking an online course in medicine?
If you are looking for answers to the questions mentioned above then this is most certainly the right place for you and many others like you. This package contains a course that has been designed in such a way that it can penetrate through the minds of almost everyone. Not everyone has the stomach for studies in the field of medicine and that is where this course comes in and helps people accomplish the goal of comprehending the basics.
What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?
Intended for first year medicine, dentistry and medical assisting students, this online course teaches students the basics of practicing medicine. Through lectures with text transcripts and slides as well as lab assignments, you will learn to take patient histories, check vital signs, recognize conditions such as anemia as well as a wide range of diseases, and learn about the major human organ systems and how they function together.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction to patient examination
- History taking: overview and method
- Symptoms and signs associated with common medical conditions
- Cardiopulmonary assessment with demonstration
- Neurological assessment with demonstration
- Head and neck assessment with demonstration
- Extremities and abdomen assessment with demonstration
- Assessment of victims of violence, the disabled patient and the role of behavioural medicine in patient assessment
- Assessment of normal laboratory texts
- Medical physical examination overview and method
- Dental: History taking and intraoral examination by a General Dentist and an Oral Pathologist
- Prescription writing and endocarditic prophylaxis
- Using the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for evaluation of drugs
- Pharmacology: Anaesthetics, analgesics and antibodies
Author Bio
This course will be taught by Kanchan Ganda.

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This billboard titled "A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine" was created by Kanchan Ganda on 02 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 679 users.

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A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
A beginner’s guide to the basics in Medicine
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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