Medicine II: A course beyond the basics
- Are you in the second year of your education in medicine?
- Do you want to easily understand the basic topics and theories of medicine that every medical and medical assisting student needs to know?
- Are you looking to take some in-depth online courses in this regard?

If this is so then this is most certainly the right place for you and many others just like you. This package contains a course that has been designed in such a way that it can help make the understanding process a lot easier for the users. If you are facing problems grasping the basics in the second year medical books then this course will turn out to be useful in accomplishing the goal of comprehending the basics.

What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?

A continuation of the Medicine I course, which is a prerequisite, this online course delves deeper into the basic topics and theories of medicine every medical and medical assisting student needs to know. Throughout this course you will cover more specific diseases and treatments in depth, including:

- HIV and AIDS
- Hepatitis
- Endocrinology
- Pregnancy and pre-natal care
- Oncology
- Transplants
- Hepatic Serology
- Medical Emergencies
- Endocrinology
- Immunology
- Coagulation
- Otolaryngology
- Cardiology,
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Renal
- Hypertension

This course should be accompanied by a practicum in a clinical setting as this will provide the students with supervised practical application of previously studied theories.

Author Bio

Kanchan Ganda is the instructor for this course. The instructor’s experience in this field and years of teaching are expected to help users in comprehending the basic objectives of this course. Students are encouraged to take this course and pay full attention in order to improve their understanding of the basics. 
0 6 0 Kanchan Ganda

Medicine II: A course beyond the basics Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Medicine II: A course beyond the basics
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

- Are you in the second year of your education in medicine?
- Do you want to easily understand the basic topics and theories of medicine that every medical and medical assisting student needs to know?
- Are you looking to take some in-depth online courses in this regard?

If this is so then this is most certainly the right place for you and many others just like you. This package contains a course that has been designed in such a way that it can help make the understanding process a lot easier for the users. If you are facing problems grasping the basics in the second year medical books then this course will turn out to be useful in accomplishing the goal of comprehending the basics.

What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?

A continuation of the Medicine I course, which is a prerequisite, this online course delves deeper into the basic topics and theories of medicine every medical and medical assisting student needs to know. Throughout this course you will cover more specific diseases and treatments in depth, including:

- HIV and AIDS
- Hepatitis
- Endocrinology
- Pregnancy and pre-natal care
- Oncology
- Transplants
- Hepatic Serology
- Medical Emergencies
- Endocrinology
- Immunology
- Coagulation
- Otolaryngology
- Cardiology,
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Renal
- Hypertension

This course should be accompanied by a practicum in a clinical setting as this will provide the students with supervised practical application of previously studied theories.

Author Bio

Kanchan Ganda is the instructor for this course. The instructor’s experience in this field and years of teaching are expected to help users in comprehending the basic objectives of this course. Students are encouraged to take this course and pay full attention in order to improve their understanding of the basics. 

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This billboard titled "Medicine II: A course beyond the basics" was created by Kanchan Ganda on 02 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 715 users.

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Medicine II: A course beyond the basics Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Medicine II: A course beyond the basics
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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