How to improve your agricultural productionAre you a farmer that is always on the lookout to improve the per acre yield from you fields?
Farming is one of the largest occupations in the world. It is not only a direct source of bread earning for millions all over the world but also provides us with all the food and many of the raw materials that are needed in order to manufacture essential products. As the mechanization increases and newer and better techniques are introduced, the need of man power is being overpowered by machinery. It is without a doubt the need of the hour as the population of the world is growing unchecked and with more and more people to feed each year, it is imperative that the production too increases accordingly.
If you are one of the farmers looking to join those who are benefitting from the advances in technology, you have made the right choice. However, for some people it can be pretty confusing on how to go about the changes. To help you out, I have made a document that will provide you with detailed information on how to change your ways to be more reliant on modern techniques and machinery to improve your produce. Some of the main features of the document are as follows.
- A general overview on the recent changes
- Better cultivation practices
- Making use of the better seeds
- Machinery usage and its advantages
- Switching from tradition to technology
- Making effective and efficient use of minimum resources at hand
The billboard will provide some very useful information to the farmers that are not at home with the modern technology and agricultural techniques that are in practice in the more developed countries. Anyone looking to take up farming will also be able to make use of the document..
0 8 25 Kelly Wayne

How to improve your agricultural production Learn more

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How to improve your agricultural production
Price: $25 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Are you a farmer that is always on the lookout to improve the per acre yield from you fields?
Farming is one of the largest occupations in the world. It is not only a direct source of bread earning for millions all over the world but also provides us with all the food and many of the raw materials that are needed in order to manufacture essential products. As the mechanization increases and newer and better techniques are introduced, the need of man power is being overpowered by machinery. It is without a doubt the need of the hour as the population of the world is growing unchecked and with more and more people to feed each year, it is imperative that the production too increases accordingly.
If you are one of the farmers looking to join those who are benefitting from the advances in technology, you have made the right choice. However, for some people it can be pretty confusing on how to go about the changes. To help you out, I have made a document that will provide you with detailed information on how to change your ways to be more reliant on modern techniques and machinery to improve your produce. Some of the main features of the document are as follows.
- A general overview on the recent changes
- Better cultivation practices
- Making use of the better seeds
- Machinery usage and its advantages
- Switching from tradition to technology
- Making effective and efficient use of minimum resources at hand
The billboard will provide some very useful information to the farmers that are not at home with the modern technology and agricultural techniques that are in practice in the more developed countries. Anyone looking to take up farming will also be able to make use of the document.

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This billboard titled "How to improve your agricultural production" was created by Kelly Wayne on 17 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $25. Current reach of this billboard is 582 users.

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Availability:1 Week
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How to improve your agricultural production Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
How to improve your agricultural production
Price: $25 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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