Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscleDon’t be fooled by people like Mike Chan on YouTube making you buy his diet that produces useless results – he does not even have any qualification to back up anything that he says.

I have a PHD in Nutrition which took me 7 years at university just to achieve I then took an interesting route and became head manager for LA Fitness for over 5 years now, all my fitness sessions are fully booked each and every week because my clients know that when they are with me I will get them the exact results they want. It’s not always about the hard work its smart work that counts… what to do and when to do it – timing is every thing in building a muscular build.

I've had many clients who have come to me and asked me bluntly “I want to gain 20 pounds of muscle” now to many this may seem like an unrealistic goal but it can be achieved in 3 months if you follow the plan accordingly even if you have the wonky off days you will still see major improvements that will only push you to get it done, I dislike people that use genes or race as an excuse for them not building muscle that is non-sense.

Buy this billboard and I'll show you exactly how to build muscle mass, we will:

1) Figure out what is the best-suited schedule for your lifestyle
2) Do a timetable to your mass muscle gaining diet - all the right foods you should be eating and when
3) Supplements that you should be taking (you don't need to take them if you don't want to)

Buy now let me show you the easier, faster, healthier way to gain 20 pounds of good muscle.

Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscle Learn more

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Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscle

Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Don’t be fooled by people like Mike Chan on YouTube making you buy his diet that produces useless results – he does not even have any qualification to back up anything that he says.

I have a PHD in Nutrition which took me 7 years at university just to achieve I then took an interesting route and became head manager for LA Fitness for over 5 years now, all my fitness sessions are fully booked each and every week because my clients know that when they are with me I will get them the exact results they want. It’s not always about the hard work its smart work that counts… what to do and when to do it – timing is every thing in building a muscular build.

I've had many clients who have come to me and asked me bluntly “I want to gain 20 pounds of muscle” now to many this may seem like an unrealistic goal but it can be achieved in 3 months if you follow the plan accordingly even if you have the wonky off days you will still see major improvements that will only push you to get it done, I dislike people that use genes or race as an excuse for them not building muscle that is non-sense.

Buy this billboard and I'll show you exactly how to build muscle mass, we will:

1) Figure out what is the best-suited schedule for your lifestyle
2) Do a timetable to your mass muscle gaining diet - all the right foods you should be eating and when
3) Supplements that you should be taking (you don't need to take them if you don't want to)

Buy now let me show you the easier, faster, healthier way to gain 20 pounds of good muscle.

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This billboard titled "Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscle" was created by LA FITNESS on 17 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 1786 users.

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Availability:1 Week
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Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscle Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5

Gain 20 lbs of PURE muscle

Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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