Key Elements for a Startup

To set up a startup company, there are some key elements that must be carefully considered. The presence of a suitable opportunity is the first matter that should be looked into. The product or service that you intend to offer should be better than what is currently being offered as well. Last but not least, you will need a strong team that can help you achieve your eventual goal. It is important but not necessary to have experience in the given field of work. Prior experience obviously adds more value but lack of it should not hold an entrepreneur from undertaking a business endeavor.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will shed light on important aspects related with starting your own company and the challenges and opportunities that come along with it. It provides with information on how product development and the growth of the company are related with each other.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

Young entrepreneurs and students will learn a lot from this lecture. People weighing their options of entering the world of business will also find it useful and will see if business is something for them or otherwise.

Table of Contents

- Ideal candidates for venture capitalism.
- Important aspects to consider before initiating a startup company.
- Understanding the relationship between the product and the company and how one affects the other.

Author Bio

Marc Andreessen is the co-founder of the Netscape Communication Corp. After AOL acquired Netscape, he was the Chief Technology Officer for the company. He is the Chairman and Co-founder of Ning and has made investments in a number of startups including Twitter, Digg and Plazes. Andreessen maintains a seat at the Facebook’s board of directors as well. He holds a degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in computer sciences. 
0 4 0 Marc Andreessen

Key Elements for a Startup Learn more

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Key Elements for a Startup
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description


To set up a startup company, there are some key elements that must be carefully considered. The presence of a suitable opportunity is the first matter that should be looked into. The product or service that you intend to offer should be better than what is currently being offered as well. Last but not least, you will need a strong team that can help you achieve your eventual goal. It is important but not necessary to have experience in the given field of work. Prior experience obviously adds more value but lack of it should not hold an entrepreneur from undertaking a business endeavor.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will shed light on important aspects related with starting your own company and the challenges and opportunities that come along with it. It provides with information on how product development and the growth of the company are related with each other.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

Young entrepreneurs and students will learn a lot from this lecture. People weighing their options of entering the world of business will also find it useful and will see if business is something for them or otherwise.

Table of Contents

- Ideal candidates for venture capitalism.
- Important aspects to consider before initiating a startup company.
- Understanding the relationship between the product and the company and how one affects the other.

Author Bio

Marc Andreessen is the co-founder of the Netscape Communication Corp. After AOL acquired Netscape, he was the Chief Technology Officer for the company. He is the Chairman and Co-founder of Ning and has made investments in a number of startups including Twitter, Digg and Plazes. Andreessen maintains a seat at the Facebook’s board of directors as well. He holds a degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in computer sciences. 

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This billboard titled "Key Elements for a Startup" was created by Marc Andreessen on 04 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 619 users.

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Key Elements for a Startup Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Key Elements for a Startup
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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