Applied Economics for ManagersThe basic concept of economics, scarcity of resources, forces individuals, firms and governments to choose between alternative uses of available limited resources. If you also want to know how you can efficiently allocate resources to maximize your satisfaction level, production or profit, take this free online course titled “Applied Economics for Managers”. This course primarily focuses on microeconomics; however, some macroeconomics concepts will also be discussed. It emphasizes on integration of theory and data. Analysis of corporate decisions and public policy will also be part of this course.

?Who should take this course?

Young aspiring managers and entrepreneurs are potential candidates to take this course. Those undergraduates who have developed interest in economic issues in the introductory phase and want to deepen their knowledge of economics can also benefit from this course.

Why you should take this course?

At the end of this course you will have a better understanding of:
- How economists model the choice process of individual consumers and firms?
- How markets work to coordinate these choices?
- How well markets operate using the economist's criterion of market efficiency?

Table of Contents:

Topics that will be covered in this free online course include:
- Choice, Efficiency, and the Basic Demand and Supply Model
- Behind Demand and Supply Curves
- Consumer and Producer Theory
- Monopoly, Imperfect Competition, Pricing Tactics
- Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly, Elements of Strategy
- Externalities and Public Goods
- Uncertainty and Information
- Market Lessons and Organizational Architecture, Group Decision Making
- International Trade Issues
- Equity and Income Distribution

Author Bio:

This course has been jointly prepared by Prof. Michael Kremer and Prof. Robert Townsend. Michael is an American development economist. His areas of specialization include development economics and health economics. His research work focuses on the use of incentives, particularly the design of incentive mechanisms to encourage the development of vaccines for use in developing countries.
Robert is an American economist and the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Townsend received his BA from Duke University and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1975.
0 4 0 Michael Kremer

Applied Economics for Managers Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Applied Economics for Managers
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

The basic concept of economics, scarcity of resources, forces individuals, firms and governments to choose between alternative uses of available limited resources. If you also want to know how you can efficiently allocate resources to maximize your satisfaction level, production or profit, take this free online course titled “Applied Economics for Managers”. This course primarily focuses on microeconomics; however, some macroeconomics concepts will also be discussed. It emphasizes on integration of theory and data. Analysis of corporate decisions and public policy will also be part of this course.

?Who should take this course?

Young aspiring managers and entrepreneurs are potential candidates to take this course. Those undergraduates who have developed interest in economic issues in the introductory phase and want to deepen their knowledge of economics can also benefit from this course.

Why you should take this course?

At the end of this course you will have a better understanding of:
- How economists model the choice process of individual consumers and firms?
- How markets work to coordinate these choices?
- How well markets operate using the economist's criterion of market efficiency?

Table of Contents:

Topics that will be covered in this free online course include:
- Choice, Efficiency, and the Basic Demand and Supply Model
- Behind Demand and Supply Curves
- Consumer and Producer Theory
- Monopoly, Imperfect Competition, Pricing Tactics
- Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly, Elements of Strategy
- Externalities and Public Goods
- Uncertainty and Information
- Market Lessons and Organizational Architecture, Group Decision Making
- International Trade Issues
- Equity and Income Distribution

Author Bio:

This course has been jointly prepared by Prof. Michael Kremer and Prof. Robert Townsend. Michael is an American development economist. His areas of specialization include development economics and health economics. His research work focuses on the use of incentives, particularly the design of incentive mechanisms to encourage the development of vaccines for use in developing countries.
Robert is an American economist and the Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Townsend received his BA from Duke University and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1975.

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This billboard titled "Applied Economics for Managers" was created by Michael Kremer on 06 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 627 users.

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Applied Economics for Managers Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Applied Economics for Managers
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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