Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer
Do you want to become from a novice to an expert programmer with phenomenal programming abilities?
Do you like to tighten your grip on some of the renowned computer programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python etc?

Are you struggling to find a platform on the internet where you can learn extensive programming skills under qualified and experienced instructors absolutely free?
Custom development of any computer programs, databases and websites especially for your work, school, business and personal needs is possible nowadays. Some of these programs are open to music, some - photos and pictures while some support documents.

This course will help you learn:
Winning Poker Hands (the Steps included in the designing process, ways to develop clarity and generality, writing necessary arguments for the correctness of the program, different simulation and experiments associated with the overall process and design tradeoffs)
Back of the Envelope (calculations, the Zebra puzzle, when there’s a need to use brute force, generator expressions along with different Permutations and combinations in the process with recursive and wishful thinking)
Expressions (languages and interpreters) – defining, interpreting the language of regular expressions and understanding the set of strings matched by a regular expression
Efficient and effective ways to deal with complexity through search
Analyzing the efficiency of the algorithm used
Matching different data types with different algorithms
How to deal with uncertainty with the help of probability
Understanding the game of Pig and taking full use of the utility to optimize strategy
Word Games
How to manage complexity?
Defining large sets of words, efficiently built data structures and different word games
Conclusion - the final part of the course where students have to submit a final project
This efficient and effective guide has been designed and prepared by Peter Norvig (irector of Research at Google Inc.).  Co-author of the popular textbook “Artificial Intelligence”, Norvig served at NASA Ames Research Center.
0 10 0 Peter Norvig

Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer Learn more

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Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Do you want to become from a novice to an expert programmer with phenomenal programming abilities?
Do you like to tighten your grip on some of the renowned computer programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python etc?

Are you struggling to find a platform on the internet where you can learn extensive programming skills under qualified and experienced instructors absolutely free?
Custom development of any computer programs, databases and websites especially for your work, school, business and personal needs is possible nowadays. Some of these programs are open to music, some - photos and pictures while some support documents.

This course will help you learn:
Winning Poker Hands (the Steps included in the designing process, ways to develop clarity and generality, writing necessary arguments for the correctness of the program, different simulation and experiments associated with the overall process and design tradeoffs)
Back of the Envelope (calculations, the Zebra puzzle, when there’s a need to use brute force, generator expressions along with different Permutations and combinations in the process with recursive and wishful thinking)
Expressions (languages and interpreters) – defining, interpreting the language of regular expressions and understanding the set of strings matched by a regular expression
Efficient and effective ways to deal with complexity through search
Analyzing the efficiency of the algorithm used
Matching different data types with different algorithms
How to deal with uncertainty with the help of probability
Understanding the game of Pig and taking full use of the utility to optimize strategy
Word Games
How to manage complexity?
Defining large sets of words, efficiently built data structures and different word games
Conclusion - the final part of the course where students have to submit a final project
This efficient and effective guide has been designed and prepared by Peter Norvig (irector of Research at Google Inc.).  Co-author of the popular textbook “Artificial Intelligence”, Norvig served at NASA Ames Research Center.

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This billboard titled "Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer" was created by Peter Norvig on 29 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 742 users.

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Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Designing Computer Programs – an Effective Guide to become an Expert Programmer
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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