Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links
I have been doing these for properties of my own, so I have good experience in this - it will be in my best interest to make your website as clean as possible to that you get perceived by Google a lot better.

In the recent past years there has been tremendous change in how search engines rank pages and websites. If you have been hit by Panda or Penguin algorithm changes, you need not to worry anymore. I will professionally clean up links that have been affected by these changes, and also recommend relevant backlinks to your site. This I will do only after I have done extensive research the backlinks that your competitors are using. I will do a search to ascertain additional factors that are slowing your moving to the first page.

I will also provide you with a text file which you can easily upload to Google diavow tool and get the statistics needed to recover from last Google updates. These changes are to be made fast because in some cases search engine take long to rank pages. My extensive reports for your site will only but take less than 24hrs. I will also ensure that I help you use quality images to help your site rank higher in search engines. If you have a word press website that has been attacked by any type of virus, I will help you with the cleaning process too.

There are several attacks that your website can get. However, the most prominent is usually the end-user, this is because of the vital data that can be accessed. I understand almost everything that concern different types of attacks including Drive-by-dowloads, clickjacking, and script enabled attacks. This means that I can help you prevent site attacks and protect your customers from losing data. I will recommend on the best online tools that you can use to protect your site from any further attacks, and also help you in the implementation phase.

Billboard Prices

I will write you a report on what is affecting your site $10

I will help clean up your site and recommend on relevant backlinks at $30 (buy the billboard 3 times for this service)

I will help you know how your site was attacked and the best tools to use to prevent further attacks at $50 (buy the billboard 5 times for this service)

0 0 10 Ross Mathews

Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

I have been doing these for properties of my own, so I have good experience in this - it will be in my best interest to make your website as clean as possible to that you get perceived by Google a lot better.

In the recent past years there has been tremendous change in how search engines rank pages and websites. If you have been hit by Panda or Penguin algorithm changes, you need not to worry anymore. I will professionally clean up links that have been affected by these changes, and also recommend relevant backlinks to your site. This I will do only after I have done extensive research the backlinks that your competitors are using. I will do a search to ascertain additional factors that are slowing your moving to the first page.

I will also provide you with a text file which you can easily upload to Google diavow tool and get the statistics needed to recover from last Google updates. These changes are to be made fast because in some cases search engine take long to rank pages. My extensive reports for your site will only but take less than 24hrs. I will also ensure that I help you use quality images to help your site rank higher in search engines. If you have a word press website that has been attacked by any type of virus, I will help you with the cleaning process too.

There are several attacks that your website can get. However, the most prominent is usually the end-user, this is because of the vital data that can be accessed. I understand almost everything that concern different types of attacks including Drive-by-dowloads, clickjacking, and script enabled attacks. This means that I can help you prevent site attacks and protect your customers from losing data. I will recommend on the best online tools that you can use to protect your site from any further attacks, and also help you in the implementation phase.

Billboard Prices

I will write you a report on what is affecting your site $10

I will help clean up your site and recommend on relevant backlinks at $30 (buy the billboard 3 times for this service)

I will help you know how your site was attacked and the best tools to use to prevent further attacks at $50 (buy the billboard 5 times for this service)


Quick Information

This billboard titled "Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links" was created by Ross Mathews on 14 January 2014 and is available for purchase for $10. This billboard was shared 1 time in total and tweeted 1 time on twitter Current reach of this billboard is 870 users.

Price:$10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Professionally clean up your website and add helpful links
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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