Package Description
Sleepless nights, anxiety, eating too little or too much and being unable to appreciate the good things around me, this is what I experienced when I moved abroad seeking greener pastures. It was exciting before I got there and even for a few days afterwards when I was setting up my apartment and settling into my new job. However, once the initial phase was over, it was very tough afterwards.
I know that these are that feelings that are experienced by most people who leave their home country for one reason or another. It’s quite natural to feel this way too but do not let them take over your life! They can actually ruin a lot of things for you.
How I tackled with them is a good way for anyone to follow. The approach will not fill the void you feel in one day or you may not feel at home entirely. People who have been living overseas generally have these feelings to a degree even decades after they have moved. What I offer is to provide you with an opportunity to fix this to the maximum possible extent and help you feel well and happy again.
It is not as hard as it seems and there is certainly no need of staying depressed. After all, the move that you made will be paying you rich dividends more often than not in one way or another. In this world, change is the only constant and the quicker one is able to come to grips to this fact, the better.
So if you feel like the world is a bad place and why did you ever decide to move in the first place, give a read to what I have to offer. There is nothing like firsthand experiences and you can make a good use of mine.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Moving abroad! How to deal with the change" was created by Sam King on 22 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $6. Current reach of this billboard is 885 users.
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