6 ways to improve communication in marriageCommunication between a man and a woman is a delicate thing. We each have our own way of communicating. We expect our significant other to pick up on all of our cues, both verbal and non-verbal, and know exactly what we are saying. Unfortunately, women do not come with a handbook of instructions. Neither do men, for that matter. Even more discouraging is that neither gender comes with the super-human power of mind reading. Because of these limitations, verbal communication is essential to the happiness and harmony of any successful marriage. With that in mind, here is some practical advice for both men and women so that your communication can help you do just that — communicate.. 0 23 1 Sami Ullah Zafar

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6 ways to improve communication in marriage

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Communication between a man and a woman is a delicate thing. We each have our own way of communicating. We expect our significant other to pick up on all of our cues, both verbal and non-verbal, and know exactly what we are saying. Unfortunately, women do not come with a handbook of instructions. Neither do men, for that matter. Even more discouraging is that neither gender comes with the super-human power of mind reading. Because of these limitations, verbal communication is essential to the happiness and harmony of any successful marriage. With that in mind, here is some practical advice for both men and women so that your communication can help you do just that — communicate.

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6 ways to improve communication in marriage

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