Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners?Do you have any interest in the concepts of democracy? Does literature interest you? Do you want to get information about the concept of democracy in 19th century American literature? Are you seeking an online course for this purpose?
If this is the case then this course is the best online source that you will find regarding this subject for beginners. Without going into too many details this course comprehensively covers all the important subjects that need to be covered. The main objective of this course is to create an easy learning opportunity for anyone seeking some basic information regarding this subject of democracy in the nineteenth-century U.S. literature.
This reading online course – published in Spring 2008 – is a graduate student seminar that examines the evolving ideology and ongoing debate concerning the concept of democracy in 19th century American literature. There are no academic credit or degree requirements for this course, but you should be prepared to engage in class discussions over the works of authors like Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman. You should also be prepared to apply the knowledge you gain towards a final examination worth 40% of your overall grade.
This course will address the following:
What is "democratic" about literature written in the United States?
How does the problem of representative politics influence textual and literary representation?
The course will include:
- Classic and contemporary works of democratic theory
- Critical readings exploring the relationship between political and verbal representation
- Mediation and its relationship to democratic politics
The instructor for this course will be Professor Sandra M. Gustafson, Ph.D, who works in the Department of English at the University of Notre Dame. Her expertise will serve a crucial role in your learning process. For this course students will be required to take Two-hour seminar meetings, once a week.

0 4 0 Sandra Gustafson

Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

?Do you have any interest in the concepts of democracy? Does literature interest you? Do you want to get information about the concept of democracy in 19th century American literature? Are you seeking an online course for this purpose?
If this is the case then this course is the best online source that you will find regarding this subject for beginners. Without going into too many details this course comprehensively covers all the important subjects that need to be covered. The main objective of this course is to create an easy learning opportunity for anyone seeking some basic information regarding this subject of democracy in the nineteenth-century U.S. literature.
This reading online course – published in Spring 2008 – is a graduate student seminar that examines the evolving ideology and ongoing debate concerning the concept of democracy in 19th century American literature. There are no academic credit or degree requirements for this course, but you should be prepared to engage in class discussions over the works of authors like Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman. You should also be prepared to apply the knowledge you gain towards a final examination worth 40% of your overall grade.
This course will address the following:
What is "democratic" about literature written in the United States?
How does the problem of representative politics influence textual and literary representation?
The course will include:
- Classic and contemporary works of democratic theory
- Critical readings exploring the relationship between political and verbal representation
- Mediation and its relationship to democratic politics
The instructor for this course will be Professor Sandra M. Gustafson, Ph.D, who works in the Department of English at the University of Notre Dame. Her expertise will serve a crucial role in your learning process. For this course students will be required to take Two-hour seminar meetings, once a week.

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This billboard titled "Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners" was created by Sandra Gustafson on 29 August 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 1065 users.

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Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Forms of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature – for beginners
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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