Material Selection Using Ashby's Approach - A Guide

In the modern world of cut-throat industrial marketing, mechanical engineers have to be very specific and precise in their approach regarding the selection of material. In fact, material selection is so paramount, that it forms the very basis of a competitive mechanical design.

The process of material selection is not an easy task though. It involves careful evaluation of various factors that may affect the material behavior and characteristics under different conditions. Thus in the selection of materials for a particular application a systematic approach has to be adopted.
Over a period of time, the researchers and scientists have developed many methods to facilitate and systemize the process of material selection. The widely known examples of these methods include the Ashby’s Approach, Matrix methods such as Multiple Criteria Ranking Methods, Digital Logic Method and Analytical Hierarchical Method (AHP). The basic principle among all these approaches follows the same tagline. First the application requirements or the functionalities are defined under the influence of mechanical, environmental, electrical and chemical constraints. Then depending upon the weight of functionalities, they are narrowed down by elimination. The set of requisite material properties thus evaluated, form the basis of the material selection.
Although the production techniques also influence the final output significantly, but, the scope of our assignment restricts us to the material selection techniques. In that context, we will follow the Ashby’s approach to pursue a real case study of practical nature for a design problem.

First, Ashby’s Approach will be discussed in general and then we will take a real life problem and lay down the parameters for the selection of its requisite material.

Table of Contents:

The guide consists of the following modules;

- Material Selection
- Ashby’s Approach
- Material Index
- Procedure for Selecting Material Index
- Performance Maximizing Criteria
- Case Study – Spring
- Conclusion
0 0 0 Fahad

Material Selection Using Ashby's Approach - A Guide Learn more

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                                                Material Selection Using 
                                                    Ashby's Approach - A Guide
Price: Free
Package Description

In the modern world of cut-throat industrial marketing, mechanical engineers have to be very specific and precise in their approach regarding the selection of material. In fact, material selection is so paramount, that it forms the very basis of a competitive mechanical design.

The process of material selection is not an easy task though. It involves careful evaluation of various factors that may affect the material behavior and characteristics under different conditions. Thus in the selection of materials for a particular application a systematic approach has to be adopted.
Over a period of time, the researchers and scientists have developed many methods to facilitate and systemize the process of material selection. The widely known examples of these methods include the Ashby’s Approach, Matrix methods such as Multiple Criteria Ranking Methods, Digital Logic Method and Analytical Hierarchical Method (AHP). The basic principle among all these approaches follows the same tagline. First the application requirements or the functionalities are defined under the influence of mechanical, environmental, electrical and chemical constraints. Then depending upon the weight of functionalities, they are narrowed down by elimination. The set of requisite material properties thus evaluated, form the basis of the material selection.
Although the production techniques also influence the final output significantly, but, the scope of our assignment restricts us to the material selection techniques. In that context, we will follow the Ashby’s approach to pursue a real case study of practical nature for a design problem.

First, Ashby’s Approach will be discussed in general and then we will take a real life problem and lay down the parameters for the selection of its requisite material.

Table of Contents:

The guide consists of the following modules;

- Material Selection
- Ashby’s Approach
- Material Index
- Procedure for Selecting Material Index
- Performance Maximizing Criteria
- Case Study – Spring
- Conclusion

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This billboard titled "Material Selection Using Ashby's Approach - A Guide" was created by Fahad on 10 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 2059 users.

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  • Material Selection by Ashby Approach.pdf (522KB)
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Material Selection Using Ashby's Approach - A Guide Learn more
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                                                Material Selection Using 
                                                    Ashby's Approach - A Guide
Price: Free
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