Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course
- Do you admire the teaching profession?
- Are you aiming to explore teaching and learning in tertiary contexts?
- Are you seeking information regarding teaching and learning theories used in tertiary classroom environments?
- Are you looking for an online course regarding this?

If this is so then you have come to the right place. The package here contains a course that has been designed carefully for the understanding of anyone looking to explore teaching and learning in tertiary contexts. If you are facing any problems in understanding the basic concepts involved in this then do not be worried anymore because this course will certainly help you.

What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?

Designed particularly for tertiary, or postsecondary, educators, this online course focuses on the teaching and learning theories used in tertiary classroom environments. Through this open courseware, you will be able to identify and practice methods of teaching at the postsecondary level. During this class, you will also have the opportunity to assess your own teaching abilities and learn about important characteristics successful tertiary educators should possess. To attend this course, you must have access to a classroom or other learning setting in a college or university environment.

This course is highly useful for teachers and they should take benefit from it.

Course objectives

The prime objectives of this course are:

- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant teaching and learning theories
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the nature of tertiary teaching and learning
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of essential characteristics of highly successful tertiary educators and their impact on student learning
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of essential characteristics of highly effective learning environments and their impact on student learning
- Demonstrate how an understanding of learners impacts on design, delivery and assessment in tertiary environments
- Develop and justify a teaching capacity enhancement plan

Author Bio

The instructor for this course is Dr. Shirley Reushle, who is a senior lecturer in online and school pedagogies at the University of Southern Queensland.
0 6 0 Shirley Reushle

Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

- Do you admire the teaching profession?
- Are you aiming to explore teaching and learning in tertiary contexts?
- Are you seeking information regarding teaching and learning theories used in tertiary classroom environments?
- Are you looking for an online course regarding this?

If this is so then you have come to the right place. The package here contains a course that has been designed carefully for the understanding of anyone looking to explore teaching and learning in tertiary contexts. If you are facing any problems in understanding the basic concepts involved in this then do not be worried anymore because this course will certainly help you.

What is this course and what are the benefits of taking it?

Designed particularly for tertiary, or postsecondary, educators, this online course focuses on the teaching and learning theories used in tertiary classroom environments. Through this open courseware, you will be able to identify and practice methods of teaching at the postsecondary level. During this class, you will also have the opportunity to assess your own teaching abilities and learn about important characteristics successful tertiary educators should possess. To attend this course, you must have access to a classroom or other learning setting in a college or university environment.

This course is highly useful for teachers and they should take benefit from it.

Course objectives

The prime objectives of this course are:

- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant teaching and learning theories
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the nature of tertiary teaching and learning
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of essential characteristics of highly successful tertiary educators and their impact on student learning
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of essential characteristics of highly effective learning environments and their impact on student learning
- Demonstrate how an understanding of learners impacts on design, delivery and assessment in tertiary environments
- Develop and justify a teaching capacity enhancement plan

Author Bio

The instructor for this course is Dr. Shirley Reushle, who is a senior lecturer in online and school pedagogies at the University of Southern Queensland.

Quick Information

This billboard titled "Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course" was created by Shirley Reushle on 05 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 894 users.

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Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Exploring Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Contexts – A teaching course
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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