Sparky BrownFemale
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Sparky Defined:
Lively, spirit; animated...
A simple describe me of a glamour, living my life, spirit soul and creative lady. ;0 )
Sometime I slept thru with nightmare dreams. Sometimes I dream n' saw good dreams. I've tried avoid my destiny to leave it #reality. Datz how we live our life on this dreamland. We accept to raise n leave our #reality dream body into a cold dark smokey tunnel. Der' million bubble planets to go. Be grateful for won't will remember who we're and won't will remember who cause us so much in life after death. But to pleasure when people come in n goes into the windy that blows us away eva-day 4 any reason...<3 Just be me and Just be you. We laugh together. We hurt each other. Until we thinks it's okay to laugh together again.