Saving your bucks on air travel the right way!People just can’t get the right deals when they travel by air. I am not a person who travels by air all the time now a days but when I do, I make sure that it costs me as little as possible. Gone are the days when I would catch last minute flights and pay top buck for the tickets I could get for better rates. Like many, I know that money doesn’t grow on trees. My extensive travel previously taught me the art of saving on airfares, something that all can benefit from.
Does saving on airfare sound too good to be true? Well actually it isn’t. We live in a consumption driven economy and while saving money is tough, we make it tougher on ourselves by following our impulses rather than taking the rationale route.
As a budding entrepreneur sometime back, I had to travel to every corner of the country. Clients list was growing and business was coming in but my air travel costs were out of the roof. Consequently profits were not nearly as high as I would have liked.
It was time to be an informed traveler and not pay my hard earned money to the airlines without giving myself a shot at lower airfares. I educated myself in the field to see where I could save some money. Some other frequent travelers passed some tips and extensive reading in the area too helped.
The result is now I know all ins and outs of saving on air travel, even when catch a last minute flight. For those who travel a lot by air and often find their pockets shrinking, take my advice and purchase my billboard to find yourself with some tips that will save you a lot of dosh in time to come..
0 11 10 Steve Reid

Saving your bucks on air travel the right way! Learn more

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Saving your bucks on air travel the right way!
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

People just can’t get the right deals when they travel by air. I am not a person who travels by air all the time now a days but when I do, I make sure that it costs me as little as possible. Gone are the days when I would catch last minute flights and pay top buck for the tickets I could get for better rates. Like many, I know that money doesn’t grow on trees. My extensive travel previously taught me the art of saving on airfares, something that all can benefit from.
Does saving on airfare sound too good to be true? Well actually it isn’t. We live in a consumption driven economy and while saving money is tough, we make it tougher on ourselves by following our impulses rather than taking the rationale route.
As a budding entrepreneur sometime back, I had to travel to every corner of the country. Clients list was growing and business was coming in but my air travel costs were out of the roof. Consequently profits were not nearly as high as I would have liked.
It was time to be an informed traveler and not pay my hard earned money to the airlines without giving myself a shot at lower airfares. I educated myself in the field to see where I could save some money. Some other frequent travelers passed some tips and extensive reading in the area too helped.
The result is now I know all ins and outs of saving on air travel, even when catch a last minute flight. For those who travel a lot by air and often find their pockets shrinking, take my advice and purchase my billboard to find yourself with some tips that will save you a lot of dosh in time to come.

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This billboard titled "Saving your bucks on air travel the right way!" was created by Steve Reid on 18 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 960 users.

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Saving your bucks on air travel the right way! Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Saving your bucks on air travel the right way!
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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