Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better pingGetting to a cricket field early in the morning to have a hit is one of the simple pleasures of life. Playing those exquisite drives and dominating the bowlers from the onset is an amazing feeling. Batting in short, is my way of feeling good about life.
I value my cricket bats like any sensible batsman and know that they are crucial for execution of the strokes that I love so much. Not only is it important for a batsman to have the right bat but also to prepare it correctly to drive out the maximum mileage out of it as well achieve its maximum stroke playing ability, generally referred to as the ping.
Many club players and even professionals fail to prepare their bats right and have to suffer the shock of their prized bat snapping in the middle of an important innings. Even if the bats survive for a while, the ping can be greatly compromised which in turn badly affects the overall performance by a batsman.
The solution to this problem is quite simple which is to ensure that you prepare the bats the right way. It is a process I have learned and mastered over a period of time, having my fair share broken as well as underperforming bats. It’s a process that requires skills, the right tools and patience. Here are the key elements I have found in ensuring the right preparation of the bats for longevity and performance and addressing them in the right manner is crucial.
- Opting in or out from an anti-scuff sheet
- Whether to oil your bat or leave it as it is?
- The right oiling process
- Selecting a mallet of choice
- The right way of knocking in your bat
- Tips and tricks of rounding off the edges
- When to play in the bat?
To get everything right about your bat’s preparation, purchase my experience. I will guide you through the process to prepare your bat well to whack the ball around the park.
0 6 5 Tom Wells

Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better ping Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better ping
Price: $5 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Getting to a cricket field early in the morning to have a hit is one of the simple pleasures of life. Playing those exquisite drives and dominating the bowlers from the onset is an amazing feeling. Batting in short, is my way of feeling good about life.
I value my cricket bats like any sensible batsman and know that they are crucial for execution of the strokes that I love so much. Not only is it important for a batsman to have the right bat but also to prepare it correctly to drive out the maximum mileage out of it as well achieve its maximum stroke playing ability, generally referred to as the ping.
Many club players and even professionals fail to prepare their bats right and have to suffer the shock of their prized bat snapping in the middle of an important innings. Even if the bats survive for a while, the ping can be greatly compromised which in turn badly affects the overall performance by a batsman.
The solution to this problem is quite simple which is to ensure that you prepare the bats the right way. It is a process I have learned and mastered over a period of time, having my fair share broken as well as underperforming bats. It’s a process that requires skills, the right tools and patience. Here are the key elements I have found in ensuring the right preparation of the bats for longevity and performance and addressing them in the right manner is crucial.
- Opting in or out from an anti-scuff sheet
- Whether to oil your bat or leave it as it is?
- The right oiling process
- Selecting a mallet of choice
- The right way of knocking in your bat
- Tips and tricks of rounding off the edges
- When to play in the bat?
To get everything right about your bat’s preparation, purchase my experience. I will guide you through the process to prepare your bat well to whack the ball around the park.

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This billboard titled "Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better ping" was created by Tom Wells on 16 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $5. Current reach of this billboard is 511 users.

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Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better ping Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Preparing a cricket bat! The do’s and don’ts for your bat’s longer life and better ping
Price: $5 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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