Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishesHas your Apple warranty finished? You want to get a new iPhone but don’t know how too? Thanks to my recent scenario I managed to save myself over £200 because I was going buy myself a new one instead of trying to fix the problems with my old iPhone 4S… I’m glad I didn’t and I’m going to help you be glad too!

I gave it a shot at the Apple store and an assistant that I got very friendly with decided to tell me something not many people know, this is NOT a free method because your warranty has expired therefore there is no way you’d be getting a fresh handset for FREE after giving them your faulty one.

However, with a little bit of money (a lot less than buying a new iPhone 4S) you can get a smooth, sexy, new iPhone 4S in your hands from Apple themselves.

Now, I done this 2 months ago and after telling my friends they decided to do exactly the same… there is no doubt this method works 1000% all you need to do is ask for it and the Apple staff will provide you with this.

To summarize: you will receive simple instructions on how to obtain a fresh brand new iPhone 4S this will replace your old handset which is also an iPhone 4S it can be faulty, mine was too.

This billboard is the cheapest one I have at $2 seen as I’m only giving you a basic info however once it works for you I’m expecting a little tip from you! You can simply use the “pay to contact me” button within my profile and leave me any tip you want even if its $1 … 1 dollar is better than no dollars :P

Be sure to check my other billboards! Thanks for viewing.
0 2 2 Truly Amazing

Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishes Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishes 
Price: $2 Purchases:0
Availability:3 days
Package Description

Has your Apple warranty finished? You want to get a new iPhone but don’t know how too? Thanks to my recent scenario I managed to save myself over £200 because I was going buy myself a new one instead of trying to fix the problems with my old iPhone 4S… I’m glad I didn’t and I’m going to help you be glad too!

I gave it a shot at the Apple store and an assistant that I got very friendly with decided to tell me something not many people know, this is NOT a free method because your warranty has expired therefore there is no way you’d be getting a fresh handset for FREE after giving them your faulty one.

However, with a little bit of money (a lot less than buying a new iPhone 4S) you can get a smooth, sexy, new iPhone 4S in your hands from Apple themselves.

Now, I done this 2 months ago and after telling my friends they decided to do exactly the same… there is no doubt this method works 1000% all you need to do is ask for it and the Apple staff will provide you with this.

To summarize: you will receive simple instructions on how to obtain a fresh brand new iPhone 4S this will replace your old handset which is also an iPhone 4S it can be faulty, mine was too.

This billboard is the cheapest one I have at $2 seen as I’m only giving you a basic info however once it works for you I’m expecting a little tip from you! You can simply use the “pay to contact me” button within my profile and leave me any tip you want even if its $1 … 1 dollar is better than no dollars :P

Be sure to check my other billboards! Thanks for viewing.

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This billboard titled "Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishes" was created by Truly Amazing on 29 July 2013 and is available for purchase for $2. Current reach of this billboard is 629 users.

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Availability:3 days
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Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishes Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Getting a brand new iPhone after warranty finishes 
Price: $2 Purchases:0
Availability:3 days
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