Sadaf Sadiq
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Sadaf SadiqFemale

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About * -:- *W* -:- * * -:- *E* -:- * * -:- *L* -:- * * -:- *C* -:- * * -:- *O* -:- * * -:- *M* -:- * * -:- *E* -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- *T* -:- * * -:- *O* -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- *M* -:- * * -:- *Y* -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- *P* -:- * * -:- *R* -:- * * -:- *O* -:- * * -:- *F* -:- * * -:- *I* -:- * * -:- *L* -:- * * -:- *E* -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- * * -:- ----\:\------ ------:\----- -----/::\--- /\--/:/\:\-- \:\/:/--\/--- -\::/-------- --\:\-------- ---\:\------- ----\/------- -----/\------ ----/:/------ ---/:/-/\---- --/:/-/:/---- -/:/-/:/-/\-- -\:\/:/-/:/-- --\::/-/:/--- ---\:\/:/---- ----\::/----- -----\/------ ------------- /\----------- \:\---------- -\:\--------- --\:\------/\ ---\:\----/:/ ----\:\--/:/- -----\:\/:/-- ------\:::/--- -------\/---- ------------- /\----------- \:\---------- -\:\--------- --\:\------/\ ---\:\----/:/ ----\:\--/:/- -----\:\/:/-- ------\:::/--- -------\/---- -----/.\------ ----/:::\----- ---/:/\:\---- --/:/--\:\--- -/:/----\:\-- -\:\----/:/-- --\:\--/:/--- ---\:\/:/---- ----\:::/----------- WaNNa KnoW AbOuT Me??? Hmmmm...OKI'm not pretentious and I am what I am..simple and true, to myself and everbody else. I hate lies and selfish people. Two hearts, sharing seven feelings: 1….Love 2….Happiness 3….Truth 4….Faith 5….Secret 6….Trust & 7….Sadness –o@@@@@@—————-@@@@@@! -o@@@@!!!!!;;;@——-@……………….::;!@ “@@@!!!!!!!;;;;;;;;@—@……………..:;;;;;;!@ @@@!!!!!!!;;;;;;:::.@@………………:;;;;;;;;;!@ @@!!!!!!!!!;;:::::………………………..;;;;;;;;;;!@ @@@!!!!!;::::…….The better…………;;;;;;;;!@ -@@!!!!;;:::::…friends is the ……………;;:;!@ –@@!!:;;:::::::: best thing………………….;;!@ —-@!!!!;:::..”THAT GOD CREATED”…….@ ——!!!!!;:::::::::…………………………..@ ——–!!!;:::::::::::……………………@Therefore ———–!!!;;:::::::::……………..@I Valorize ————-:::::::::::………….@The ones that I have —————-::::::::……@ This include ——————–:::::.@ YOU MY FRIEND Loading my self in your Heart Loading. . . █ 1% ████ 10% ████████ 20% ████████████ 30% ████████████████ 40% █████████████████████ 50% █████████████████████████ 60% █████████████████████████████ 70% █████████████████████████████████ 80 % ████████████████████████████████████ 90% . _█████████ 100% ♥. . . ````´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´Sweet ´´´´´¶¶¶¢¢¢¢¶¶¶´´´´´ ´´´´1¶¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¶¶´´´´´ ´´´´¶¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶1´´´´´Caring ´´´´¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶¶´´´´´ ´´´¶¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶´´´´´ ´´1¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢1´´´´´´Naughty ´´7¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶¶¶´´´´ ´´´¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶¶´´´ ´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶¶´´´KOOL ´1¶¶¶´´¶¶¢¢¢¢¢¶¶´´´´ ´¶¶¶´´´´¶¶¢¢¢¢¶7´´´´ 7¶¢¢1´´´´¶¢¢¢¢¶´´´´´Inteligent ´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¢¢¢¢1¶¢´´´´´ ´´´´´´1¢¢¢¢¢¢¶7´´´´´ ´´´´´¢¢¢1111¢¶´´´´´´Loving ´´´´¶¶¢¢1111¶¶´´´´´´ ´´´1¶¢111111¶´´´´´´´ ´´´´¶¢111111¶´´´´´´´Loyal ´´´´¶¢111111¶´´´´´´´ ´´´´1¶111111¶´´´´´´´ ´´´´´¶¢1111¢¶´´´´´´´Reliable ´´´´´´¶1111¶¢´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´¶1111¶´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´¶¢111¶7´´´´´´´Freaky ´´´´´´¶1111¶¢´´´´´´´ ´´´´´1¶¢111¢¶´´´´´´´ ´´´´´¶¢1111¢¶´´´´´´´Humuorus ´´´´¢¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢´´´´´´´ ´´´´¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶´´´´´´´ ´´´´¶¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¶´´´´´´´Dpendble ´´´´¢¶¢¶1¶¶¢¶¶´´´´´´ ´´´´´¶¢¶´´¶¶¢¶´´´´´´ ´´´´´¶¢¶´´´¶¢¶¢´´´´´Witing ´´´´´¶¢¶7´´1¶¶¶´´´´´ ´´´´´¶¢¶1´´´1¶¶¶´´´´ ´´´7¶¶¢¶¶´´´´¶¢¶¶´´´Beautiful . .cOmPlEtE:--♥ ██╠♥╣██╠♥╣██╠♥╣██╠♥╣██╠♥╣██ ●═══════════◄►═* Regular heartbeat : /\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_ When I'm with you : /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ When I lost you : /\____________ .........♥♥♥♥............ i feel i m alone..............:-♥ ♥`»--Dynamic in personality--«`♥ ♥`»--------Unpredictable------«`♥ ♥`»--------Trustworthy--------«`♥ ♥`»-----------Homely-----------«`♥ ♥`»-----------Moody------------«`♥ ♥`»----------Cheerful-----------«`♥ ♥`»------------Crazy------------«`♥ ♥`»-----------Talkative---------«`♥ ♥`»--------------Loyal-----------«`♥ ♥`»-------------Caring-----------«`♥ ♥`»----Careless(sometimes)---«`♥ ♥`»---------Adventurous-------«`♥ ♥`»--------Love Travelling-----«`♥ ♥`»------------Faithful----------«`♥ ╔✪ TO MY WORLD✪ ╬═════════════════╝ ╬ ╬I hate those ppl who comes in my way , I WALK ALONE ╬got it. ╬ ╬I hate liers and those ppl who spreads bad rumours bout ╬me. ╬ ╬I hate flirty ppl and also those ppl who thinks im a ╬FLIRT,coz I know im not a flirt. ╬ ╬I hate cheap and akward ppl who really dont even know ╬how to talk properly. ╬ ╬I hate those who use slang language with me.. better ╬think TRICE before using any sort of slang or bad words ╬with me. ╬ ╬I hate those friends who uses me for something they ╬need means IM NOT A BLOODY TIME PASS. ╬ ╬I am straightedge person. means no drinking,smoking or ╬take any other sort of drugs. ╬ ╬I am not an outgoing guy I stay mostly in my room ╬enjoying my life. ╬ ╬I mostly am very straight I say things on the face of ╬friend or anyone , and I mean ANYONE either they like it ╬or not. ╬ ╬I am not dat much talkative person in real life , hardly ╬anyone can make me smile or laugh. ╬ ╬I love self shots of myself.. because i love myself more ╬dan u can imagine and well I do got the looks. ╬ ╬I dont show attitude..its just my way of talking ╬sometimes which some ppl take it wrong..oh well ill admit ╬I am quite attitude showing guy in real life too ;) ╬ ╬I love music alot I can listen to it all day long , place and ╬time is unknown. ╬ ╬Yes ! im a good person once you get to know me .. so ╬better not judge me if u dont know me. ╬ ╬I am very peaceful n chill minded guy .. but when I get ╬angry I do and stupid stuff n u really wanna avoid that. ╬ ╬I dont want any sort of relationships with anyone so all I ╬can be is a normal or good friend. ╬ ╬ ╚✪I love one Girl in my life more dan anyone & |““““““““““““““““““““““““||_ |.......*FRIENDSHIP*......|||“|““_ |________________ _ |||_|__|) !(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)***!(@)““ "My friends are my life" ❤๑๑……. , . – . – , _ , ……………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑……. ) ` – . .> ‘ `( …….. FRIENDSHIP ………………….๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…… / . . . .`\ . . \ …………………………………………….๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…… |. . . . . |. . .| ….. IS LIKE A FLOWER ; …………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑……. \ . . . ./ . ./ ………………………………………………๑๑❤ ❤๑๑……… `=(\ /.=` …. GROWING IN ITS GLORY , ……..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑……….. `-;`.-’ ………………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…………. `)| … , .. TELLING ITS OWN STORY ; ……..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…………… || _.-’| …………………………………………….๑๑❤ ❤๑๑………… ,_|| \_,/ .. FRIENDSHIP IS PRECIOUS ……..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…… , ….. \|| .’ ………………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑….. |\ |\ ,. ||/ ……….. NOT ONLY IN SHADE , ………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑. ,..\` | /|.,|Y\, ………………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑… ‘-…’-._..\||/ …. BUT IN THE SUNSHINE OF LIFE …๑๑❤ ❤๑๑……. >_.-`Y| ………………………………………………….๑๑❤ ❤๑๑………… ,_|| …… THANKS FOR BEING MY FRIENDS .๑๑❤ ❤๑๑………….. \|| …………………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…………… || …………. MAY OUR FRIENDSHIP ……….๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…………… || …………………………………………………..๑๑❤ ❤๑๑…………… |/ …………… WILL EVERLASTING ………..๑๑❤ |““““““““““““““““““““““““||_ |............*LOVE *...........|||“|““__ |________________ _ |||_|___|) !(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)***!(@)““ »ïï ∂σηт вєℓïєνє ïη ℓσνє.. ï вєℓïєνє ïη тяυє ℓσνє..♥ ஜ♥ஜ______ஜ♥ஜ______ஜ♥ஜ______ஜ♥ஜ______ஜ♥ஜ_ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` _µ#5ˆˆ''''''4q[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` …]₫… ` ` ` ` ` `¾ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ʹƒ… ` ` _µ=4=L_ `ˆµ ```_µAA44AL… ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` [ ` ` `'ƒ''… ` ` …¯h[ $g₫''… ` ` ` ` `¯'Q ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `[ ` ` `F ` ` ` ` ``…'$'[#r₫''¯''''''hQ ` ` ` $[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `[ ` ` ›[ ` LOVEe.`` ``$… ` ` `` …¾```…b ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `'[ ` ` '[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ``` `…[` ```'[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` 'Q ` ¯E_gr#5ˆ¯'''''hq[ LOVE... ` ` _h ` ` r[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `'$[ ` 'ʹU ` ` ` ` ` …'¾``````…ƒ… ` `A` ` ` __µA===µ_ ` `'$[ …]Q==q_ ` ` ``$ ```_µ₫``…g[ ` ']₫'… ` ` ` ` `¯'$[ [ ']g ` '¾ ` ʹˆ$```` r[µµd… `_g₫ ʹ'/¯ ` ` `g#'''''¯'''''4s]' /¯ ¾ ` '¾ ` _][ ` ` ʹ$ ``g#d ʹ[ ` ` ` /¯ ` ` ` ` …'''[ ` `'¾ ` \µ₫''¯[ ` ` ʹ$r'''¯ ʹ[ ` ` `[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ``rE```rµr₫ ` …] ʹ$ ` ` ʹ'[ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ``` ``₫µ₫'¯ ʹA```A `ʹy ` ` '$[ ` ` ` ` ` ` _µr4™4s…`ƒ… `ƒ¯ ` ʹ')₫ ` ` ¾``` ```g₫… ` ` ` `7Q` g₫ ` ` ʹ'¾_` `ˆhA_``A```g#₫7$4µr$r…_µµAAµ… ` ` ` …¯'4q__ …¯''™4_/¯ ` 'ƒ¯ `']['$₫'[___ ` ` ¯'Q ` ` ` ` ` ` `¯'''4A__ ` ʹ¯''h₫… _ƒ`'b'''… … ¯'h[ ` `'$ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` …[¯'''hq_ ` `']¯ ` ` ` ` ` ` `[ ` ` ʹL ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ʹ\[ `'\[¯''$[F ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ʹ$ ```# ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ¾`Aµ…` ``` ``` ```g™``g… ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `'$[ ¯$[ ` ` ` ` `_`µ#…`g₫ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `¾`rL…_AA₫5… _`µr4' ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `\[ ʹʹ₫…_µµ4₫'''''¯ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` '$µ# $$$_______$$$_____$$$___$$$_______$$$_$$$$$$$$$$ $$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$_______$$$_$$$$$$$$$$ $$$____$$$____$$$____$$$_$$$_____$$$__$$$_______ $$$____$$$___________$$$_$$$_____$$$__$$$_______ $$$_____$$$_________$$$___$$$___$$$___$$$$$$$$__ $$$______$$$_______$$$_____$$$_$$$____$$$_______ $$$_______$$$_____$$$______$$$_$$$____$$$_______ $$$$$$$$$___$$$_$$$_________$$ $$$_____$$$$$$$$$$ IS PAIN FULL ''FuN !S the bESt p@Rt Of l!FE'' To FALL INLOVE is very easy. STAYING INLOVE is a challenge. LETTING GO is the hardest part. And.. MOVING ON is a damn suicide!] |““““““““““““““““““““““““||_ |.....*AFFECTION*.........|||“|““_ |________________ _ |||_|___|) !(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)***!(@)““ |““““““““““““““““““““““““||_ |............*JOY*...............|||“|““___ |________________ _ |||_|____|) !(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)***!(@)““ |““““““““““““““““““““““““||_ |.......*HAPPINESS*.......|||“|““__ |________________ _ |||_|___|) !(@)“(@)““““**!(@)(@)***! ¤σк ησω ѕєяισυѕ.....¤wese to kehtey hain k never explain ur self to anyone bcoz the person who likes u doesnt need it N the person who dislikes u won't believe it...…….♥########♥ …..♥##########♥ …♥#############♥ ..♥#############♥………………♥####♥ ..♥##############♥……….♥########♥ ….♥###############♥……♥###########♥ …….♥###############♥♥#############♥ ………♥#############################♥ ………..♥############################♥ …………..♥##########################♥ …………….♥########################♥ ………………♥######################♥ ………………..♥##################♥ ………………….♥################♥ ……………………♥##############♥ ………………………♥###########♥ ………………………..♥#########♥ ………………………….♥#######♥ ……………………………♥#####♥ ……………………………..♥###♥ ……………………………….♥#♥ …………………………………♥ …………………………………♥ ……………………………….♥ ……………………………..♥ ……………………………♥ …………………………♥ ……………………….♥ …………………….♥ ………………….♥ ………………♥ ………….♥ ………♥ ……♥ …..♥ ……♥………………….♥…♥ ……….♥………….♥…………♥ …………..♥…..♥………………♥ ……………….♥………………..♥ …………….♥……♥…………..♥ …………..♥………….♥….♥ ………….♥ ………..♥ ……….♥ ………♥ ………♥ ……….♥ ° O o o 0 ° O ° o 0 o ° O 0 ° o ° O o 0 o 0 O O 0 ° o ° O o 0 o 0 O o ° o 0 O ° 0 o o 0 O ° o O 0 0 ° o 0 o O ° 0 o 0 OoOo ° 0 o ° o 0 o O ° 0 o o 0 O ° o O 0 0 O o ° o 0 O ° 0 o O 0 ° o ° O o 0 o 0 O 0 ° o ° O o 0 o 0 O ° o 0 o ° o 0 ° O ° O o ° o o ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★..........★ ★..........★★ ★.......★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★ ★★★★ ....... , . - . - , _ , ......... ) ` - . .> ' `( ........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........ |. . . . . |. . .| ......... \ . . . ./ . ./ ........... `=(\ /.=` ............. `-;`.-' ............... `)| ................ || _.-'| ............. ,_|| \_.,/ ....... , ..... \|| .' ....... |\ |\ ,. ||/ .... ,..\` | /|.,|Y\, ..... '-...'-._..\||/ ............ >_.-`Y| ................,_|| ................ \|| ................. || ................. || ................. |/ ☆ ☆☆ ☆*☆ ☆**☆ ☆***☆ ☆****☆ ☆*****☆ ☆☆☆*********☆☆☆ ☆****************☆ ☆***************☆ ☆**************☆ ☆*************☆ ☆************☆ ☆************☆ ☆*************☆ ☆**************☆ ☆***************☆ ☆****************☆ ☆☆☆*********☆☆☆ ☆*****☆ ☆****☆ ☆***☆ ☆**☆ ☆*☆ ☆☆ ☆I M :- (`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ CUTE ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ CHARMING ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ INNOCENT ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ NAUGHTY ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ SWEET ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ COOL ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ AWESOME ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ INTELLIGENT ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ AMAZING ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ `•.¸ ) ¸.•)´ (.•´ *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` *(`'•.¸(`'•.¸ ¸.•'´) ¸.•'´) «`'•.¸.¤ SMART ¤.¸.•'´» (¸.•'´(¸.•'´ `'•.¸)`' •.¸) ¸.•´ ( `•.¸ Well, in short... I am: ♥Cute♥ ♥ Smart ♥ ♥ Intelligent ♥ ♥ Nice ♥ ♥ Loving ♥ ♥ Caring ♥ ♥ Adorable ♥ ♥ Marvelous ♥ ♥ Attractive ♥ ♥ Friendly ♥ ♥ Lovely ♥ ♥ Attitude ♥ ♥ faithful ♥ ♥ ambitious ♥ ♥ sensitive ♥ ♥ full of good qualities ♥ ♥ Responsible ♥ ♥ Exciting to be Around ♥ ♥ Nice Always ♥ ♥ Dependable ♥ ♥ Smiles a Lot ♥ ♥ Friendly Personality ♥ ♥ Outstanding ♥ ♥ Really Great Memories ♥ ♥ Very Kind ♥ ♥ Enjoyable ♥ ♥ Benevolent ♥ ♥ charming ♥ ♥ Dazzling ♥ ♥ dedicated ♥ ♥ elegant ♥ ♥ Fantastic ♥ ♥ Happy face ♥ ♥ ideal ♥ ♥ Naughty ♥ ♥ Optimistic ♥ ♥ Remarkable ♥ ♥ Thoughtful ♥ ♥ Very-Cool ♥ ♥ Wonderful ♥ ♥ Appealing ♥ ♥ Good-looking ♥ ♥ Glamorous ♥ ♥ Beautiful Eye ♥ ♥ Catching ♥ ♥ Fascinating ♥ ♥ Sparkling ♥ ♥ Full of life ♥ ♥ Shining ♥ ♥ Humorous ♥ ♥ Superb ♥ ♥ Fabulous ♥ ♥ Excellent ♥ ♥ Tempting ♥ ♥ Persuasive ♥ ♥ Influential ♥ ♥ Credible ♥ ♥ Likeable ♥ ♥ Impressive ♥ ♥ Marvelous ♥ ♥ Pleasing ♥ ♥ Extraordinary ♥ ♥ Good-natured ♥ ♥ Amazing ♥ ♥ Tremendous ♥ ♥ Fashionable ♥ ♥ Well-groomed ♥ ♥ Stylish ♥ ♥ Neat ♥ ♥ Graceful ♥ ♥ Pleasing to Eye ♥ ♥ b3st ♥ ♥ Hon3st ♥ ♥ Pr3cIouS ♥ ♥ Awesome ♥ ♥ Hearted ♥ ♥ Lively ♥ ♥ Funny ♥ ♥ Independent ♥ ♥ l0vnG ♥ ♥ Dedicated ♥ ♥ Optimistic ♥ ♥ Young ♥ ♥ Sympathetic ♥ ♥ Athletic ♥ ♥ Warm ♥ ♥ Attentive ♥ ♥ Ambitious Capable ♥ ♥ Courageous ♥ ♥ Determined ♥ ♥ True ♥ ♥ Dependable ♥ ♥ Passionate ♥ ♥ Love shopping ♥ ♥ honest ♥ ♥ Moody ♥ ♥ Sentimental ♥ ♥ Guides others physically ♥ ♥ mentally Sensitive ♥ ♥ Shy ♥ ♥ Wild ♥ ♥ Strong sense ♥ ♥ Hardworking ♥ ♥ Loves to be alone ♥ ♥ Confident ♥ ♥ Fit ♥ ♥ Liberal ♥ ♥ Open-minded ♥ ♥ not talk to much ♥ ♥.......... Words r Finished But Still Couldn’t Fully Describe╔═══════════════════════════════╗_(▒)(▒)______███☼███____(▒)(▒) (▒)(█)(▒)__ ███_☼██████ _(▒)(▒)___██____████████ _________██____███▒▒▄▒▒ __________██____█▒▒▒▒▒▒ ___________██____ █▒▒▒♥___(▒)(▒) ____________██_____▒▒____(▒)(█)(▒) __________ __██____▒▒______(▒)(▒) _____________██__▓▓▒▓_______█ ________██__██ ▓▓▓▒▒▒▓____█ _(▒)(▒)___███_ ▓▓_▓▓▓▓▓___█ (▒)(█)(▒)______▓▓__▓▓▓▓▓___█ _(▒)(▒)_____ _▓▓__▓▓▓▓▓___█___█ ___________ ▓▓___▓▓▓▓_▓___█_█ __________ ▓▓___▓▓▓▓__▓▓__█ _________ ▓▓___███☼█__▓▓__█ ___♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥ __▓▓_█ ___ ♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥__▒▒▒ ____ ♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒____█ ______ ♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥__█ ________ ♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒♥ ___________♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒ _______________▓▓_▓▓ _(▒)(▒)_________▓▓_▓▓ (▒)(█)(▒)_______▓▓_▓▓ _(▒)(▒)_________▓▓_▓▓ _______________▓▓_▓▓ _______________▓▓▓▓ _______________▓▓▓ ______█████████ ________██____██ ______█☼█____██ ______█_______██ ______________█☼█ ______________██__█▄▄ _(▒)(▒)_________________ (▒)(▒) ║ !! ωαяηίηg: δσητ сόρy αηγτλίηġ ƒям мγ ρяοƒί£ε яємємвα ¢ση∂ιтιση ιѕ αρρℓιє∂ !! ║ ¸¸.•*¨*•*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Sadaf

Sadaf SadiqKhanewalPunjabPakistan
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