Yuneeb KnYtMale
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My Name is இჯહઔ¥Öüñëëßჯહઔஇ and i am 17 years Old ... I live in iZlAmAbAd and study in |qRa uN| frieNd call me knYt
As WelL As............i AM Very Different PersOn.. i am very moOdy persOn where as me isn't.. sumtimes "i" take over "me" and sumtimes "me" over "i".. when "i" goes mad "me" just can't help "i" but still tires to control, and "me's" shakehands with every One, either of em are cOoL. 'OH' there's one thing mOre, "i" doesn't understand's "me" sumtimes and same as "me" but still they cOmprOmise at sumpOint.. n they are Real gOod Frendz.. isn't it enOuGh??
Confused?? you should be ;)
a|ways |00k at what y0u haVe |Eft...nEvEr |00k at what y0u haVe |0st.
I am lonely.. Even though you can't tell.. I am reaching out.. For what, I don't know..! I will continue to sit in silence.. And hope that someone may stumble across.. Me and all of my emptiness.. But they only hope that they do it in time.. Otherwise I will have drifted too far.. And I may let go.. Of whatever grasp of the world I have.. As I slowly fade out of the lives of everyone.. Unnoticed..!!!
Yuneeb KnYtIslamabadIslamabad Capital TerritoryPakistan