Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours?Keek is a popular 34-second video site, supposed to be the video of Twitter apparently so. The website has millions of users including very big names like the Kardashian family, Kendall Jenner, Austin Mahone – these alone have 20 million followers and the reason why they are getting more and more popular again and again is because every time they make a video they hit keeks “most viewed” page – this means every user of Keek is very likely to stumble across the video just like how you go to YouTube and 1 chance out of 3 you see an interesting title and click on something that has been viewed a lot on that day.

Enough blabbing, what you get here is my method – my strategy in order to get on the front page now this method is not FREE even after you purchase the billboard you will have to make small payments for 1) Buying Keek views 2) Buying Keek accounts – both of them which cost under $20 thanks to my suppliers. I will tell you exactly who to go to and after you purchase this billboard for $5 use PayPal to use the 2 services I direct you to and before you know it you’ll be on the front page.

Keep in mind there will be manual work required for this method once you get these mass Keek accounts this method involves you logging into them and clicking like, comment, logging out and reclogging into the other again and again till you finally reach the popular page.
**BONUS** Keek allows you to follow 900 people in a day – I will share with you my personal bot that allows you to follow 900 people in less than 5 minutes this means if you keep it at every day for 100 days you will get over 100K followers I will give you example followers accounts that you can follow and they have the highest follow back ratio. .
0 19 10 Zak

Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours
Price: $10 Purchases:1
Package Description

?Keek is a popular 34-second video site, supposed to be the video of Twitter apparently so. The website has millions of users including very big names like the Kardashian family, Kendall Jenner, Austin Mahone – these alone have 20 million followers and the reason why they are getting more and more popular again and again is because every time they make a video they hit keeks “most viewed” page – this means every user of Keek is very likely to stumble across the video just like how you go to YouTube and 1 chance out of 3 you see an interesting title and click on something that has been viewed a lot on that day.

Enough blabbing, what you get here is my method – my strategy in order to get on the front page now this method is not FREE even after you purchase the billboard you will have to make small payments for 1) Buying Keek views 2) Buying Keek accounts – both of them which cost under $20 thanks to my suppliers. I will tell you exactly who to go to and after you purchase this billboard for $5 use PayPal to use the 2 services I direct you to and before you know it you’ll be on the front page.

Keep in mind there will be manual work required for this method once you get these mass Keek accounts this method involves you logging into them and clicking like, comment, logging out and reclogging into the other again and again till you finally reach the popular page.
**BONUS** Keek allows you to follow 900 people in a day – I will share with you my personal bot that allows you to follow 900 people in less than 5 minutes this means if you keep it at every day for 100 days you will get over 100K followers I will give you example followers accounts that you can follow and they have the highest follow back ratio. 

Quick Information

This billboard titled "Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours" was created by Zak on 28 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 1991 users.It have been vouched by 3 users.

Price:$10 Purchases:1
Package Contents (1)
This package contains 1 attachment of total size 290KB and language of the package is English.
1 File Attached
  • Thank-You.jpg (290KB)
    Thanks for the order, I'll be putting you on safelist and contacting you shortly. Cheers.
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Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Get on the most viewed page of Keek in less than 6 hours
Price: $10 Purchases:1
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