Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followersEveryone keeps asking me how I raise my Twitter followers so fast etc. they ask me because they know I have REAL followers I have got them over a period of time and it is proven every time I tweet with the number of retweets, favorites and tweet back’s that I receive from the users of Twitter.

I figured why not launch a service to help you gain an authority Twitter account? This service will not be completed in a day or even a week this will take a minimum of 3 months and I will use my social media knowledge to gain steady followers from day to day by tweeting on the peak times of Twitter and making sure I’m in everyone’s face at all times by separating the tweets out evenly – slowly but surely you will build up an army of followers!

Remember FAKE followers mean nothing because they will give you no returns yes they may make you look good but at the same time anyone with a little bit of knowledge like me will know they are FAKE, I have my ways to check exactly the percentage of fake followers on a particular profile therefore don’t put your brand at risk by going down the cheap route as the easy route anyone can take… Go to the organic growing route and you have built something for life, a follower’s base that will hear you out on every tweet… you can’t really go wrong!

Although I’ll be using your account on random times of the day, for a few minutes each day will calculate to around 1 hour spent on your profile so that is a total of 90 hours being spent on the purchase of this billboard… you are buying 90 hours of my time I like to consider myself a very knowledgeable person when it comes to social media, all my profiles on every social networking website will have the highest of numbers. (If you want to question this, I will understand you can message me through privately and I can show you some profiles)

You will still have full access to your account during the 3 month period, which means you can tweet and do whatever you want as normal only I’ll be having access as well to ensure I build you good followers and get good engagement from the followers, you see its not just about the followers its about what you get back from them that counts. (paying customers = win)

Any questions? Contact me straight away.
0 0 295 Zak

Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followers Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followers
Price: $295 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
Package Description

Everyone keeps asking me how I raise my Twitter followers so fast etc. they ask me because they know I have REAL followers I have got them over a period of time and it is proven every time I tweet with the number of retweets, favorites and tweet back’s that I receive from the users of Twitter.

I figured why not launch a service to help you gain an authority Twitter account? This service will not be completed in a day or even a week this will take a minimum of 3 months and I will use my social media knowledge to gain steady followers from day to day by tweeting on the peak times of Twitter and making sure I’m in everyone’s face at all times by separating the tweets out evenly – slowly but surely you will build up an army of followers!

Remember FAKE followers mean nothing because they will give you no returns yes they may make you look good but at the same time anyone with a little bit of knowledge like me will know they are FAKE, I have my ways to check exactly the percentage of fake followers on a particular profile therefore don’t put your brand at risk by going down the cheap route as the easy route anyone can take… Go to the organic growing route and you have built something for life, a follower’s base that will hear you out on every tweet… you can’t really go wrong!

Although I’ll be using your account on random times of the day, for a few minutes each day will calculate to around 1 hour spent on your profile so that is a total of 90 hours being spent on the purchase of this billboard… you are buying 90 hours of my time I like to consider myself a very knowledgeable person when it comes to social media, all my profiles on every social networking website will have the highest of numbers. (If you want to question this, I will understand you can message me through privately and I can show you some profiles)

You will still have full access to your account during the 3 month period, which means you can tweet and do whatever you want as normal only I’ll be having access as well to ensure I build you good followers and get good engagement from the followers, you see its not just about the followers its about what you get back from them that counts. (paying customers = win)

Any questions? Contact me straight away.

Quick Information

This billboard titled "Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followers" was created by Zak on 02 December 2013 and is available for purchase for $295. Current reach of this billboard is 1221 users.

Price:$295 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
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Content of this package will be available within 30 days of buying and if seller is failed to provide the content of the package, you will be fully refunded after 1 week of purchase as promised.

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Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followers Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Manage your Twitter account till it reaches 10,000 real organic engaging followers
Price: $295 Purchases:0
Availability:30 days
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