Package Description
Have you been penalized by Google? You already know by now that you’re not alone… But the difference is will you be like one of them losers that lose all hope once they’ve been penalized? Hopefully not that is why you’re now on this billboard.
What people don’t understand still till date is “How they got in that position” did Google just randomly decide to slap you? Did they manually check your website and say “Hey we don’t want you” the answer is NO – Google is what I call the genius engine, it does everything automatically checking up on websites and the moment they see some artificial sugars loaded onto your website, they are not having any of it – the system will automatically flag you.
Now, on very rare cases the bigger websites that have been flagged do get manually checked and once manually checked if a ban is made it means you cannot make adjustments however if you were a smaller site fetching like than 200K unique visitors monthly then you are most likely automatically banned.
So lets go back to “How you in this position” pretty simple, if you show any signs of spamming behavior you will be tracked immediately even if you done it unintentional or bought a service to which you thought wasn’t black hat but the person providing you the service is using bots – that act so fast and rapidly, making your website look superhuman = flagged for spam.
When Google penalizes you – your website will rank low, so low that you may as well give up unless you actually “want” to do something about it.
Normally the cause of being penalized is backlinks, the links that you thought that would make you look like God in front of Google but you’ve looked nothing but a peasant because they have invested billions of dollars into there system to track down such behavior, now unnatural backlinks used to work once upon a time (2-3 years ago) but thanks to the recent animals Google is launching such as the Panda, Penguin etc. you can no longer dear to make such a mistake.
What do you receive with this service? This will be a 14 day service, you will have 3 people from our team working on your website for 14 days from 9am to 5pm (normal office hours) we are going to sit down and analyze all the bad backlinks that you have on your website and make an experienced judgment on which backlinks we should be getting removed this involves contacting each and every webmaster of the websites and requesting them to remove the backlink which can be a very time consuming process, we will be doing all this for you.
Remember, some websites from your hundreds/thousands of backlinks may not give us an answer therefore you will get a report on which websites did not respond whom we think that may be bringing you down – we do NOT guarantee any fixed results, this service is a sole backlink removal service which will be carried out by 3 experienced people that know exactly what they are doing, we have around a 80% success rate with companies that come out of penalization by using our service, some of them have instant effects and others takes a while – Google calculates everything so we cannot give you any strict times for when your site will be lifted.
If you do have any questions regarding this package, please leave us a message – we normally answer all emails within 24 hours.
This service has been sold to over 2,500 clients combined from different websites, they paid $2,000 for the service however as an introduction price we will help the first 3 clients at $500. Grab it now if you see the price at $500.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Manual Backlink removal service" was created by Zak on 11 December 2013 and is available for purchase for $500. Current reach of this billboard is 1387 users.
Availability:30 days
Content of this package will be available within 30 days of buying and
if seller is failed to provide the content of the package, you will be
fully refunded after 1 week of purchase as promised.