Package Description
?Seen as my Vine services are becoming increasingly more popular due to the fact that I am only one the few sellers on the Internet providing such a bulky package.
With this package I’m giving you a chance to get your hands on “500 Revines” onto 1 of your Vine videos of your choice
It takes no genius to figure what these Revines will do for your profile – you will look popular in other users eyes and big figures always play a role of someone Revining it again in other words once you buy this 500 package it will increase your chances to get actual “REAL” Revines = more followers and possibly hit the popular page.
I have tested “Revines/Likes/Comments” myself and just like every other social network people take action when they see a little bit of activity on a video – that’s exactly what I am offering you, your Vine will look busy with a nice round 500 figure.
Upon purchasing, bottom right you will see 3 dots like this o o o - once you click this it will ask you if you want to share it, right at the end “copy link” now you have the link to your vine – this is what I’ll need to complete your order.
I can get this service done within 24 hours – usually a lot quicker most of my clients get it within minutes, just depends if you catch me online during my 18 hours that I’m on daily – VERY LIKELY.
If you’re interested in other Vine services then check out my profile I have all sorts of services related to Vine. Likes, Followers, Strategies – you name it, I know it!
If you have any queries, leave me a message below and remember buy with confidence I have 100% feedback and I always deliver on time. Thanks
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Revine your Vine 500 times" was created by Zak on 12 September 2013 and is available for purchase for $50. Current reach of this billboard is 2506 users.It have been vouched by 3 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week of buying and
if seller is failed to provide the content of the package, you will be
fully refunded after 1 week of purchase as promised.