Package Description
?First things first there is a huge difference in terms of the quality of picture when you do this type of job in photoshop and when you do it with hand-cut stencils – what you get here is the real deal and your picture will come out looking authentic leave the photoshop business for the models to airbrush not put your message in because it looks fake and it will most likely make you look stupid and your company unprofessional. I can provide proof if still in doubt, ask me for it before you purchase.
In this service you will get me to cut a stencil up with your personalized message on top of the coffee using chocolate sprinkles – remember there is only 4 inches for me to work with, I can do just about up to 3 lines – 8 letters across works the best for good results in terms of size. If you want longer texts such as your URL then this needs to be curved around the edges of the cup – I can do this for you for no extra cost.
Please keep in mind, I cannot do tiny text as been requested by many users as what happens is the chocolate melts in the hot coffee and it makes the stencil very hard to cut out.
I can also do logos on special request, please ask for this in advance – it does cost extra and you will get plenty of images with different backgrounds, also for a little bit extra I can write an extra message on newspaper or a mini note request this in advance or simply order the billboard twice and I can get this done for you – if you have any more questions for me then please leave them below I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Quick Information
This billboard titled "Your short message in forth in a cup of coffee (NOT Photoshop)" was created by Zak on 27 August 2013 and is available for purchase for $8. Current reach of this billboard is 1368 users.It have been vouched by 3 users.
Availability:1 Week
Content of this package will be available within 1 Week of buying and
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